Chapter || One

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He will be sorry for the way he treated you, Don't you worry about that. Focus on your growth and watch his eyes gaze in sorrow as he knows, he was the bastard that made you strong.

~Nikki Rowe


I never did give back the ring. Time just flew by and the chance to give it back to him just seemed to fade as the days and months went by. It was stored in my jewelry cabinet in the same velvet box it had come in. The ring had been in their since the divorce and I had not taken it out since then. Meaning it had been left untouched for over a year. Taking it out just never seemed to cross my mind.

I stared at my reflection that was looking back at me through my vanity's mirror. Bags overtook my under eyes and my face was drained of color. Sleep hadn't been my friend lately and it just seemed to be that way for quite a while. Sidney and Conner kept on insisting that I see a therapist so I could let out all of my feelings and fix myself. That idea though just went out the other ear every time they mentioned it. It would be a waste of money to go, it would pretty much just be me talking to myself with a background feedback that just consisted of a hum. I could easily do that all on my own with no cost what so ever.

A knock filled my empty room and I said a light come in.

"Theo has just arrived would you like me to send him up?" My mother asked with a huge smile on her lifted face.

Theo. I had forgotten we had plans for tonight. Plans that I had not even dressed for.

"No, just tell him I'll be down in a bit." I stood up from my chair and went into my closet when my mother had left the room to get the bustier illusion gown by Michael Kors that Theo had gifted me for my twenty-third birthday that had been last month. Quickly changing into the dress and a random pair of heels I rushed down the stairs while fixing my hair that was in its natural wavy self. Theo was waiting for me in the kitchen with my mom who held a glass of red wine in her hand. Ever since she found out about my father cheating one her with a company employee she had taken up on drinking to drown out the problem as if it didn't exist at all.

"You look stunning as always," Theo mumbled into my hair when he pulled me into an embrace. My face grew a tad pink at his comment. I still had not grown used to his charming personality even though we had been seeing each other for a while.

Ever since the first night we met a year ago in the hotel we had kept in touch and when the divorce was official he asked me out on a couple of dates and me wanting to forget all about Devin accepted. I didn't want to say I just saw Theo as a distraction but he was someone that made me forget for a while what had happened in the past.

"Thank you," I said back in an equally low voice so my mother would not catch on to any part of our conversation.

We walked outside and got into his silver Aston Martin. The drive was not long and we arrived at the venue in a short amount of time.

The lights inside were dimmed and couples danced with their partner in the center. Everyone wore a mask to cover their top of the head leaving small gaps for the eyes. Then I remembered that I had forgotten my mask for the charity ball.

"Theo-" I did not finish my sentence since right when I said his name he held a black masquerade mask up that had the shape of a butterfly's wing on the right sing. Giving him a smile of gratitude I took it and wrapped the ribbon around the circumference of my head. Theo put his plain black on and we walked down the grand staircase with my hand tucked under his arm. Elanor Lang greeted us and thanked us for attending tonight to support the orphanages that would be helped out tonight when we had reached the bottom of the steps. I dismissed myself to go get a drink when Elanor started talking to Theo about a friend of her's wanting representation from him. Theo was a well-known lawyer. He took pride in his career and many people appreciated that.

I walked over to the table that had the champagne flutes and took one. The bitter taste ran down my throat when I took a small sip. As I drank the liquid Nocturne by Chopin started playing and more couples joined the dance floor to dance the relaxing melody of the song. I looked at one couple in particular. It was an older couple. The man had who I presumed was his wife in his arms and he stared at her lovingly as they danced. At times, he would lean in and whisper something into her ear that would make a smile attach itself to her aging face. It also brought on to mine. Couples like that to me were rare and to see one that still loved each other was heartwarming.

My eyes drifted on and about until they landed on a couple that had just arrived. The man had his hand looped around the blonde's waist and she was laughing at something he had said to her as they descended the steps. Only until they had finally reached the bottom did I realize who that man was. Devin. Even with his mask on his blue eyes were recognizable.

I found myself staring at him and his date. I might have done it a little too long because his head turned in my direction and he looked back at me. My head snapped to the table to avoid his gaze and I placed my empty glass down and went in search of Theo. Devin and I hadn't talked since our last meeting with our lawyers and I didn't want to talk to him. There would be nothing to say. He had moved on and so should I, but it was hard to just forget about someone I cared for, even if I was just someone he used, my feeling were still real.

Theo was nowhere to be found and I soon gave up on looking for him. I went in search of our names on the reserved tables. I sat down at a table at the front of the room on the chair that my name on the table was placed in front of.

Couples still danced to the slow music being played and I longed to dance. Right, when I thought that someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around to find Theo with a smile upon his lips. He held his hand out for me and when I took it he lead me to the dance floor and as if he had read my mind we danced to the pace of the song playing.

"I saw the longing loom in your eyes from across the room. Even with that mask, your eyes still shine," he mumbled into my hair. A smile drew its self on my lips and I looked up to him and placed a small peck on his cheek. He was sweet and at times, it hurt me to know that he had strong feelings for me when all I felt for him was love and adoration you feel towards a friend or brother.

I placed my chin on his shoulder and let him lead the dance. My gaze caught the attention of cold and calculating eyes on me. Devin was staring at me as he sipped on his champagne. The blonde who he had come with was chatting with some people and turned to look at him. She followed his gaze and looked at me strangely before saying something to Devin that brought him out of his perceiving look. I also cast my eyes down and instead looked at the floor.

When the song ended both Theo and I took our seats at our table. We had been chatting for a while until another couple took their seats at the circular table we were at.


So more of you guys wanted this before the prequel and I can understand why. I hope this was a great start for the beginning of the book. I will try to make longer chapters, well as long as I can get them ;)

The song to the side just reminded me of Devin and Samantha's relationship so far in this book and so I added it to the side. I love it and have had it on replay for a while.

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