The Warden

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Is he coming? He's coming isn't he. I know he is. That's what he does. I can hear him. The clinking of the chain he wears, the scuffle of his boots on the solid concrete ground, crackling against dried blood stained on the floor. I hear the others. In the other cells. They hear him, they scream, they know what comes.

They deserve it. They are all here for a reason. I give them what they deserve. The very sight and sound of me sends them into fits. They deserve this madness. Clink, clang, go my chains, they know they sound they hear.

Clink clang go his chains, we all know what it means. He's coming, for one, for many, we never know. We scream, claw at our bars, we have all felt it before, we all have the scars to prove it. He comes. We scratch, claw, scream, howl, to no avail. Hopeless. We are all hopeless. Pathetic. We know there is no point to it, but we have no choice but to. You do not know, know the pain, know the horror, it breaks you. We are broken.

They are broken. They scream and they scratch at the bars. There is no hope for them and still they try. I admire them for that, or at least admire the human instinct of fear to make them do so. Clink clang go my chains, the sound that brings them fear.

Fear is all we know, fear is all we have. And after the fear, we know comes the pain. He comes and he leaves us in pain and that pain consumes us until we are relieved by fear once more. That fear is addictive, we constantly wait for it over and over and over. It lets us forget our pain, if only until he comes for us once more. We live in wait in these cells, in this prison, in a hellhole with no idea where in the world we are, or if there even is a world, or if any of it even matters. It doesn't.

It doesn't matter who they are, or what they've done. None of it matters except that they deserve what they get. I bring up my keys, one for each cell, one to signal the beginning of their pain. They know the sounds all too well, the sound of imminent pain. They deserve it. Clink clang go my chains, the sound that makes them scream.

He's here. I hear him behind me. I can hear his key sliding into the lock. He's chosen me once again. I can hear his steps. I can't look. I am curled into a ball in the corner of my bare cell awaiting the torturous stroke of his iron tipped whip. He's coming. He's close. I can hear him whispering to me.

How's my favourite jackass today. Scummy and pitiful as ever.

Why me. Why me. Why me. Clink clang
Go the chains
He's here for me. The pain is coming. I've felt it before and I know it will come relentlessly. Only until his fun is worn out.
Clink clang
He's here. He's here. Why me. Why me WHY ME.
Go the chain
No no please let me be afraid do not give me the pain please please no

The warden's




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