Chapter 30

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Grayson's POV

I through her clothes down and ran out of the hospital. When I got outside I kept running not really caring where to go at this point just away from everyone especially Allison. I keep trying to push the sight out of my head but no matter how hard I try it just keeps coming back. I run in the middle of the street stopping cars with one hand and using the other to wipe my Tsunami of tears. I couldn't help but cry. I stop at the sight of Cameron at a little bakery. I stand there trying to make sure that it was actually her and by then it was too late. She started calling my name so I ran in the opposite direction.

"Grayson!" I heard her yell. I gave no response and continued running. A car then pulled in front of me and stopped me from going anywhere else.

"Get out of the fucking way!" I screamed even though they couldn't hear me.

"Grayson come here." Cameron said pulling my head onto her chest and sitting me down on the curb. I'm pretty sure she tried talking to me again but I just buried my head into her chest and cried harder.

"What did I do?" I yelled as Cameron just stroked my hair trying to calm me down.

"Grayson I need you to slow down a little bit so I can understand you." she said sounding way more calm than I was. "Can you tell me what happened?" she asked.

"She was having sex with K- Kian even though we just got toget-gether." I cried harder and harder now remembering the horrible image I was left with from the hospital.

"Who was, Ally?" she asked sounding very shocked.

"Y-yes." I stuttered through my tears.

"Okay I'm going up there. Do you want to go with me?" she asked standing up with me.

"If I go can I just stay in the car?" I ask now trying to hold back my tears.

"Yeah of course." she replies with a smile. We stand up and get in the car then drive up to the hospital.

It's not that long of a drive to the hospital which means I didn't run as far as I wanted to. Before she gets out of the car she rubs my arm making sure it is okay for her to go in. I politely nod my head and she walks out.

Ally's POV

I scream for Kian to get off and he finally pushes away.

"Don't you ever fucking hit me again!" he yells before walking out of the door leaving me in the bathroom out of breath.

Of course I moaned and I'm out of breath but it still hurt really bad. 

"Hey your little boyfriend just ran out do you want me to get him?" Kian asked with a really pissed expression on his face.

"N-no I want you to leave me and him the fuck alone." I yell trying my best not to cry.

I wait until he is completely out of the hospital and get into the shower. I let the warm water fall against my back which is surprisingly calming and relaxing. I wash and rinse my hair quickly and wash my body. I carefully rub the soap on my stomach and on my thigh. I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around my body and let my hair fall so it can air dry. When I walk out of the bathroom I notice the bag on the ground with my sweatpants and crop top inside. He must have come and gone. I shrug at the thought of him just coming and going then I get dressed.

"Okay seriously what the fuck!?" Cameron yells walking into the room and slamming the door closed.

"Um hello to you to." I say with a very confused face.

"I didn't say hello!" she barks.

"Are you okay? What happened?" I ask pulling on the sweatpants.

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