Part.1. First Sightings

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It was almost 12 am. Frank was an A-student but he was still excited for this last lesson. He walked into the classroom, he was late. As he closed the door behind him and as he turned around,the whole class his teacher included, was staring at him. "You're late for math class Frank." Mister Way said.
"I'm sorry mister way.","Sit down now." He did and his teacher told him. And as always he was great in math.He wasn't bad in any classes but math class was his strength.Maybe it were the good explanations of mr. way or maybe he just really liked him.'He wouldn't even recognize me...', Frank thought as Mr way endet the class with the words: "Homework is page 82 number three and five see you tomorrow class!" Frank raised his arm to ask Mr way if he could stay the break time in class to do more math.Mr. way waved Frank to come to his desk.After all the students had left, Mr. way took off his glasses and shoved them down his nose so it would gently balance at the end of it. "So what was your question then Frank?",Mr.Way smirked at his younger student." I wanted to ask if I could spend my break time in class...", "You want to stay?", Mr way didn't even let frank time to answer so he continued: "You want me to teach you more?", "It doesn't has to be math..", frank replied finally. Mr I took his glasses off."Please shut the door Frankie." The boy did as he was told. "Mr way, I want to know if I-",Frank stopped as he turned around to see his teacher: Mister Way had taken off his jacket and a few buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned.
"Mister way I-..", "Shut up and call me Gerad!", frank was so confused.What was Mr way up to? Gee walked over to frank as the student gulped.


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