Taking my innocence (OS)

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The familiar sound of my brother Edwards , boots echoed through out the house . This time I heard extra feet. Harold is in his his room so he must have brought a friend .

To be honest , I'm absolutely terrified of my brothers . I mean they've never mistreated me but their tempers are horrible . They are what you would call

"bad boys" .

Edward the punk .

Harry the jock .

Me ( Marcel ) the geeky no life nerd .

I quickly picked up my pappers and books , only to have them fall from my hands as Ed and some tan Raven haired bloke walk in the room .

He stared at me with mysterious eyes until I forcefully tore my eyes away .

It was a regular routine . I do my homework and studying in the living room . When Ed gets home , I leave .

As soon as I was about to leave , Ed interrupted me .

" Mum forced me to hang out with you today while she's at out so , yeah . I'm not kicking you out today and you have no choice . " Ed said in monotone .

"We're going to my room , follow along ." He said as if it was practiced.

Ed , the tan guy and I walked to Ed's room . I awkwardly sat in the wooden chair . The tan bloke sat in the edge of the bed in front of me . I could feel his eyes on me .

" I'm going to meet Lou so we can fu- , I mean um to get somthing from him . " Ed said blushing . Well that's rare .

"Yeah , get his ass. " The tan guy laughed .

"Shut it Zayn !" Ed screamed . Oh so his name is Zayn . It fits him .

Now that I think about it , he left me alone with this bloke that I didn't know .

"So , what's your name babe ?"

" I um m-my name is uh M-marcel " I said . Wow I'm a nervous reck .

"Oh Marcel . " he said followed by a wink

"I um I have to take a shower ." I said . That honestly was just an excuse to get our of their , which I'm sure he's fully aware of .

"Mm , ok . I'm expecting you to be back soon ." He said low and slow . It was quite creepy .


I stepped into the shower and washed all over . I thoroughly washed my hair , getting rid of the grease and gel .

I stepped out of the shower and put on a pair of light grey sweats and put my glasses on the desk . I remember seeing my Ramones muscle shirt on Ed's bed . I know woah ! Marcel Styles and Ramones don't mix but I love rock music . I listen to it whenever I'm not studying or reading .

I ran my fingers through my wild curls as I walked to Ed's room .

"Shirt thief ." I muttered angrily as I pulled the Ramones muscle shirt over my body .

"Oh what a strong retort ." Zayn said sarcastically .

I jumped up , I forgot he was in here .

"That's your shirt ? " Zayn asked in a shocked tone . I nodded in return

His gaze turned back to the tele . He laid back and smirked at it .

When I looked over at the screen I was beyond shocked. There was porn .

I gasped at this . "Oh you want me to turn it up ? " Suddenly moans filled the room .

" I see that you're enjoying this . " he said with a smile.

Taking my innocence (Zarcel)Where stories live. Discover now