I rolled my eyes and leaned back in the chair, "Just forget it."

The small girl placed her hand on my thigh and I followed up the slim appendage to look into her brown eyes. "You promised me you wouldn't do anything this time." Ally hissed.

I got up from my chair and started walking outside but a nurse came in from the back, "Is anyone here for Y/F/N Y/L/N?"

I turned on my heel to hurry to the lady, "I am."

"We are." Ally cleared her throat alerting all of the other girls to stand in confidence with her.

I turned back to the nurse, "We're all kind of responsible for her, ma'am."

The nurse rolled her eyes and turned to start walking into the main desk of the emergency room. I signaled for the girls to follow me and we were led to a bed way off in the back by the janitors closet.

He frowned, clutching the clipboard to himself. "Y/N was beaten very badly. A lot of force was put on her head. I heard from the police that witnesses testified that she tried to fight back, but it didn't work out so well."

"So, she's not normal anymore?" Camila questioned behind me then almost started dramatically bawling, "How the hell did we just let her go out on her own? Her Dad is gonna kill us. No worse. He's gonna take all of his money back and strip us of every shiny thing we own."

"Camila, quiet!" I told the youngster who could get carried away with her imagination much too often.

"That's not it." He furrowed his brows at us as a group for Camila's reaction. "She will be fine but there was a lot of internal bleeding. We've had to do a major procedure without consent. She would've been dead within minutes of that blood just sloshing around on her brain."

"Well, wouldn't that mess her up somehow?" Ally asked.

He shook his head, "Her vitals seem good at the moment, but that's because she's asleep now. When she wakes up later, we can do a few tests to see if she's at risk for some side effects from the bleeding."

"What kind of side effects?" I queried.

"Ah- I can't pinpoint hers precisely yet but she could be at risks for seizures, some vomiting, numbness. She could've even lost her motor skills. All we can tell you right now is that she is alive and will live." His serious face finally turned into a small smile. The doctor reached for the handle, "Mind you. She looks worse than she is but that is just because she's on a strong sedative." He opened the door and showed us in then followed behind the girls and I with one of his cheeky nurses, Maia. 

We went passed the hospital curtain to see Y/N and she didn't look too well. Her head and face was swollen, and there were tubes and wires all over her body.

"I'll leave you with Maia, misses." The doctor said, leaving us alone with her and the woman in the bed.

"Well, first off, I can make a extra bed if you'd like to spend the night here. I can see it's hard to have a friend go through this type of trauma." She said, her cheeks were so big when she smiled. But it wasn't a dominant smile to make us feel like idiots. She seemed like she really cared. "If you need me; just call. I should be back in two hours to do a few vital check ups."

I nodded, and the girls just took seats around the bed staring at the unconscious girl. Not in a sad way. It was just eye opening to all of us that bad things can happen.

I couldn't really look over at the broken girl. I felt almost sick just knowing she was hurt. I mean, she may not mean anything special to me but no one should deal with that. "Dinah, can you step outside with me for a second?" I asked with a little shiver going down the back of my vocal cords.

Dinah took a serious look over the girl in the bed and nodded with a serious facial expression as she followed me out into the hall. "What's up, Laur?" She crossed her arms and leaned against the wall to give me her attention.

"Tomorrow morning, you and I are sneaking out of the house to go to a high school." I told her. "We have to stake out Y/N's school to see if we can figure out who Donny is."

"There are tons of girls. It's an all girl school. It could be any of them."

"With a name as ugly as Donny, I'm sure she'll stick out like a sore thumb." I mocked, "But you can't tell anyone. Not Ally, not Normani, and definitely not Camila."

"Why definitely not 'Camila'?"

I shrugged, "You know she'd blab to that Joan lady and I don't feel comfortable letting her know our plan to corner this girl."

"When we corner her, what do you plan on doing to her?" Dinah raised her eyebrow.

"I don't know yet, but it's not going to be fun." I said to her but a deep feeling of anger bubbled inside of me. "Just be ready by 8 tomorrow morning. No excuses. You're the only one who can really help me with this."

"You got me, mama." Dinah said, pulling me into a hug, then she suddenly stopped. She pulled away and turned my shoulders, then bent down to whisper softly in my ear from behind as I watched the short lady walk down the hall towards us. "You just better hope your bad feeling about Joan is right or you'll get us all into trouble."

"My feelings are never wrong. She's
acting strange." I growled, keeping a harsh stare towards the woman walking towards us.

Finally, she made it close enough and happily exclaimed, "What are you two pretty ladies doing out here by yourself?"

I was staying mute towards her. Dinah spoke up, "We were just discussing Y/N's condition. It's kind of scary."

"Aw, don't be glum." Joan said looking up to Dinah, "We still have that dinner you made with your Mom's to eat when you get home. Y/N will be fine." She said as reassuringly as possible. "Now, let's go."

She passed us and I stopped Dinah to give her a look, "Do you see what I mean? She shouldn't be acting this happy."

"Don't over analyze like your shippers, Laur." Dinah quipped, shaking me off to follow Joan into the room.

"That was a low blow, Hansen." I said, faking as if I had just been shot or stabbed.

Souled Out ➳ Lauren JaureguiWhere stories live. Discover now