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The next Monday, cheerleading forms were sent out.
I just happened to be one of the people who joined.

This is your chance to lose weight again! "Shut up!" I screamed to myself. You'll have a perfect body again! "Anorexia made me weak and ghostly! Not perfect!"I quietly cursed myself for having such a thought.
"AJ, please come down." My mother called from the living room, so I raced down the stairs to find her filling out a form online that'd allow me to cheer. "I need your help." I nodded and went I've to where she was. "What do I say to this part?" 'Has/Does your child have an eating disorder?' "Well yeah, I was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa in July...." My mother sighed and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "How's this?" I take a look at the laptop screen. 'Yes-Weight Loss'. I heavily breathed out. "Yeah, whatever." I raced back upstairs to m safe room in my new, improved, and full of glucose body that allows me to climb stairs without passing out.

Life After An Eating DisorderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora