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Also, late as hell.

1. First crush I had (real or fake)

2. Embarrassing moment
Umm... When I cried at school

3. Favorite video game
I have lots but I'm gonna say... Minecraft

4. Favorite subject in school
Umm... Math? Don't judge

5. Who will die family or friends?
Umm... Friends. Sorry if one of my best friends are reading this.

6. I am walking home, alone when a van pulls up next to me and 3 people dressed in black come out. What will I do?
I will run for my f*cking life.

7. If I am famous, what will i be famous for?
I'll be famous for gaming

8. Dream job
Umm... Youtuber?

9. Imagine being transported into an anime/video game. What is it?
Umm... I'll choose idk, Seraph of the End?

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