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It was only 5 minutes until they landed. Stark has a personal hanger in Dubai, were no-one knew.

"Bruce and Thor you guys stay back here. Your working on hacking. You need to turn every single surveillance in the city somewhere else, or to a specific incident." Natasha said. "The rest of us will go to the Prince's party tonight. I'll take out the guards, while you three find the car. Say through comms, and we'll get out to find the reaming cars."

"We need to start getting ready. Prince's tower gate closes soon." Tony said.

"Gear up."

Natasha was given a red long dress, that fell to her feet. It had slit, and was made from a light material. She wore matching red heels, and a necklace to finish the look.

"Tash! Come on." Clint said, while knocking on the door.

"Just a minute Barton." She sighed.

She opened the door, and saw Clint's face drop, slightly. She rolled her eyes and walked into the main cabin, were only Steve was.

"Need a little help?" She smirked.

"A little." He replied without looking at her.

Natasha stood in front of him, and did his tie for him properly. Steve then looked down at Natasha and smiled at her.

"You look amazing." He smiled.

"And you look very handsome yourself Rogers." She said, with her green eyes beaming, looking into his blue ones.

Her heart began to skip a beat, as she couldn't help but stare at his lips. Steve felt exactly the same, and couldn't help it either.

"Barton! Rogers! Romanoff!" Tony bellowed.

They broke away, and went towards the cockpit, and saw Stark smirking with car keys in his hands.

"What?" Natasha asked.

Tony stood up straight and opened the doors, and once he did, he let them see what he was supposedly advertising towards.

And they weren't wrong. Tony had flown his cars, and new ones to the airstrip. It went from American muscles, to a Lamborghini.

"You pick." He smiled. "But not my car." He added.

Steve and Natasha both went for the Lamborghini. Their hands touched the keys, and they both stared at each other.



"Let go of the key." They say at the same time.

"You know what? You drive. I'm shotgun."

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