Love Is Just A Distraction: A Hunger Games Fan-fiction

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Dedicated to cudge407 for inspiring me :)

This is a Hunger Games Fan-fiction. I do not take credit for the original idea of The Hunger Games!

*Two years ago. Age 12*

I crawled carefully through the branches of the tree, night vision goggles secured on my face. Reaching a branch with several plump fruits, I scanned cautiously for tracker jacker nests. Seeing none, I scooted over onto the branch and wrapped my fingers firmly around the bundle of fruit. I tugged firmly to detach the bundle, but it just wouldn't give. Frustration seeped through me. Every time you tugged repeatedly on a branch, it shook the whole tree, and you had to pray that the tree didn't hold any nests or you could be severely injured from both their stings and the fall from the tree.

I slung my fruit basket over my shoulder and wrapped both my hands tightly around the fruit. I yanked back with all my might. Nothing. I did this once more, still nothing. The third time, expecting the fruit to remain in place, I yanked again, and let out a high shriek as it gave way, flying into the higher branches of the tree as I fell off the branch, down, down, down...

My fall was slowed by several rough branches, but it was still a thirty foot drop, approximately. From the ground to the first branch it was a little under ten feet.

I finally felt the hard ground rush up underneath me as I landed, a loud snap filling my ears. I looked around to see what had caused the sound, only to discover my arm turning purple, badly scraped and twisted the wrong way. A sharp point of white stuck out at an angle, and the pain suddenly hit me like an ambush from the Capitol, knocking the breath out of my chest.

I began wondering if this could get any worse when I heard a bzzzzz coming from the now broken tree above me. My eyes widened to the size of oranges in horror as I saw the swarm of trackers heading towards me. I screamed in fear. "Help me! Help me please, someone!" I could hear my voice go shrill as the deadly insects locked onto me, it echoing around the trees.

Weakly, I tried to stand up, but my body screamed in agony and refused to move. I closed my eyes, half-accepting of my fate, and waited for the multiple stings which would drive me insane, killing me in the process. My only hope was that I could see my father one last time before I died.

Just as the first of the insects reached me, a loud whoop sounded and I heard a phffffff. Almost immediately, tracker jackers dropped onto me mid-flight and I panicked, opening my eyes to realize they were dead. Someone had killed them, but how? As far as I knew, there wasn't any sort of repellent for trackers. My eyes roamed before landing on a tall, slightly muscular boy with sandy colored hair. I recognized him, he was a year older than me. But his name refused to come to mind.

"Th-thanks," I stuttered, incredulous. He held what looked like a hairspray can in his hand and smiled shyly at me.

"No problem, he caught me looking at the can. "Oh, this? It's a new test product from Three. I'd say it works pretty well!" I laughed weakly at that, losing strength. Suddenly a vicious purple monster appeared behind the boy, looking as if it was about to pounce. I gasped. "Look... out!" I said, barely able to speak, let alone lift my arm to point. He turned around, confused. "Nothing's there..."

"But... But I saw it... Purple, mean, it was going to... jump on you!" I stammered, bewildered, the monstrosity had suddenly disappeared.

The boy turned back to look at me, and his eyes widened. "Rashelle..." Wait he knew my name? "Look." He leaned down and gently touched my broken arm, causing spikes of pain to shoot through my sensitive skin. I looked down and almost passed out in horror at the sight. Two tracker jacker stingers were lodged in my arm.

Love is Just a Distraction: A Hunger Games Fan-fiction (Temp. On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now