Now back to Rj - not only is he tall and handsome, he smells heavenly, too! Coleen and Ate Niki would not believe it if she told them that one of her celebrity crushes is on the same flight she is on, and take note, seated as the same area she is assigned to!

Aside from the physical features though, she also likes what she knows about him. Since she also follows him (not stalk as what her sisters say) in twitter and Instagram - she also knows that he's a God-fearing man, loves his family so much and makes time for his fans and outreach programs.

Magpa-autograph kaya ako? I think I brought my mini scrap book - it should contain the picture I had with him last 2010 in the Candy Fair. Yes! Galing mo talaga, Meng!

And now Maine has to plan out how to approach him and ask for his autograph.

Maine and Rj
10 hours into the flight, Rj still hasn't found a way to start a short conversation with Maine.
After the first meal service, he didn't notice that he had drifted off for a few hours - when he woke up, the cabin was dark and almost everyone was dozing off. The rest, the business folks, if you may, were still working, clacking away on their laptops vigorously.

He stood up to stretch his legs and approached the lavatory to freshen up a bit when he bumped into someone once more -
R: Maine! I'm sorry! *laughs and teases* We have to stop seeing each other like this.
He said this in a whisper as the other passengers would be disturbed.
M: Sorry, sir, erm, Rj! *laughs* Nakakatawa na tayong dalawa. Laging nagkakabangaan. We should have a warning sign on our foreheads - WARNING: Prone to Collisions. Ha ha ha...

Maine's laugh trailed off awkwardly.
M: Um, were you headed to the lavatory or is there anything you need?
R: Ito na chance mo! Time to ask her about the Dubsmash videos, then take it from there. Actually, I-- I was going to use the lavatory.
M: Oh, I see. I'll go on ahead then. Have a great rest of the flight, Rj!

As Maine was walking off and he was entering the lavatory, Rj was mentally reprimanding himself.
R: Rj! Ano ba yun? Ba't natameme ka?! Man, speak up! Pagbalik sa upuan, press the Call Attendant button and make your move, alright? Alright? Alright!

After freshening up, he went back to his seat, pressed the Call Attendant button and mentally prepared himself to talk to Maine.
M: Yes, Rj, what can I do for you?
R: Nice question. Fits what I'd like to ask you. Um, first, I just need some orange juice, and *deep breath* tanong ko lang sana if you can confirm na ikaw nga talaga yung nasa Dubsmash videos na napapanood ko dati?

Rj was grateful for the dark as it hid his blush. Maine seemed surprised with the question but quickly recovered.
M: Um, yes, I'll get you your orange juice... and yes, I posted Dubsmash videos before - that was 2015, I think? (Rj nodded)
R: Ikaw pala yung idol ko. Nahilig din kasi ako sa dubsmash dati. I was actually thinking that you looked familiar and dun pala kita unang nakita.

Now it was Maine's turn to blush.
M: Wow, um, thank you?
She has never really been good at accepting compliments and she was feeling a bit uneasy with the praise.
M: Um, I'll come back with your orange juice in a bit, okay?

She hurried off and Rj was not sure what he said to make her run off like that.
R: Rj, yung twitter nya, tanong mo na! Bilis, bago ka pa uli mabulol o mautal. Focus!!!
M: Here's your orange juice, Rj! Is there anything else you need (please wala na sana, please, please)?
R: Ah, kasi, um, I was wondering if you have a twitter account? Kasi isa ka sa mga idol ko and, and, and I think it would be nice to connect?

Rj said that last sentence in a rush before he lost his nerve.

Maine was a little hesitant to answer at first but thought, he has 5 million followers, it's fine if he finds out I already follow him, right?
M: Yes, meron. I actually follow you already sa twitter and IG.
R: Ah, cool! Pwede malaman user name mo?
M: It's @mainedcm. Um, sulat ko na lang kaya, mahirapan pa tayo mag-spell.

Rj produced his phone and Maine leaned down to input her username. He breathed in deeply and closed his eyes for a bit.
R: She smells so good!
M: And there! *smiles radiantly*
R: Thanks, soon-to-be twitter friend!
M: Ok. (suddenly remembers something) Oh! I also have a favor to ask. I hope you don't mind.
R: Sure, ano ba yun? If autograph, san mo gusto ipalagay? *wiggles brows*

Maine laughs at his antics - he's really such a charmer.
M: Yup, autograph mo. Just... Wait a moment, I'll get the... Um, I'll just get the item for you to sign.

Rj was surprised with her request. Do they have magazines here that feature or featured him on the cover?

Maine tried to act cool as she walked away while she was feeling giddy at being asked for her twitter username.
M: Kalma lang, Menggay! Don't put anything into it! He's just curious that's all.
She rummaged through her things and found what she was looking for.

Rj noticed her walking back and approached him with a small photo in his hand.
M: Before you even ask, it's a very old picture that I have in my scrap book. Don't laugh at my hair, please.

Intrigued, Rj took the picture and was surprised at what he saw.
R: Candy Fair 2010? We already met each other then? We also had a picture together?
M: Yes, yes, and yes! Super coincidence, right?
R: Yes, sobra. And the fact that you had the picture while I am also onboard... Is just, wow...
M: I know, right! Anyway, I'll just come back for that later, we're starting service again soon. Ikaw na bahala what you want to write there. Surprise me.

The flight went on with no further chances for interaction between Maine and Rj. They had a short layover in Vancouver then were on their way once more to New York. Now the flight has arrived and they were going to disembark.

M: Goodbye! Have a great time in New York!
She greeted every passenger as they were disembarking.
R: Bye Maine! It was really great meeting you again. Here's the signed picture. Don't read it yet, okay?
M: Okay. Goodbye, Rj! I hope you have a great time in New York!

When the flight attendants disembarked, Jessica, the nosiest of them all, asked
J: So, ano yung binigay sayo ni Alden Richards? Phone number? Address nya?
M: Sira! Autograph lang! Sila Ate Niki are fans kaya.
J: Yun lang talaga ha? Patingin nga? (Tries to get the pic)
M: Huy! Mamaya ko na nga raw tingnan di ba? And it's for Ate Niki kaya!
J: Hmph, sige na nga! Kwento mo sa akin what it says ha?

Maine didn't answer and kept to herself while riding the service to the hotel. Upon arriving at the hotel, she quickly turned the picture over and read Rj's message for her which left her grinning like a loon.

   Meeting you again is such a happy accident. Don't be a stranger; twitter friends na kaya tayo.
   Hope to "bump into you" again soon. Cheers to more happy accidents in the future!

M: *whispers* See you around New York, Rj, see you around.

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