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* the next day of Hogsmeade weekend.... Harry remains silent... Ron and Hermione try to convince Harry to forget about Black*

"D'you know what I see and hear every time a dementor gets too near me?" Ron and Hermione shook their heads, looking apprehensive. "I can hear my mum screaming and pleading with Voldemort. And if you'd heard your mum screaming like that, just about to be killed, you wouldn't forget it in a hurry. And if you found out someone who was supposed to be a friend of hers betrayed her and sent Voldemort after her --" -Harry

Lily: Poor baby! He's going through a lot, James.

James: * pretends to be hurt* I am personally offended that he remembers you but not his handsome dad!

"Don't be silly," said Hermione in a panicky voice. "Harry doesn't want to kill anyone, do you, Harry?"

"Malfoy knows," he said abruptly. "Remember what he said to me in Potions? 'If it was me, I'd hunt him down myself... I'd want revenge.'"

James: This is just great!! Now my son wants to take revenge on his godfather!!!!

Lily: He's been fed with lies about Sirius! To say appropriately, he's thinking like you!


Lily: * rolls her eyes* Blame your Minnie too! Harry shouldn't have gone to Hogsmeade in the first place.

James: Lily...

Lily: It's all because of your Marauder's map!!!

"Harry, please," said Hermione, her eyes now shining with tears, "Please be sensible. Black did a terrible, terrible thing, but d-don't put yourself in danger, it's what Black wants.... Oh, Harry, you'd be playing right into Black's hands if you went looking for him. Your mum and dad wouldn't want you to get hurt, would they? They'd never want you to go looking for Black!"

Lily: Well, Hermione dear, sure we don't want him to get hurt but-

Jily: we want him to go looking for Black!!

A/N: I couldn't update last two days... so I'm going to update 3 chapters today!!!! Another two chapters within few hours....

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