145 - 146

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145. Girls going through middle school and high school might start to have low self-esteem, or have serious trouble feeling pretty without makeup. It's easy- mind over matter! Your brain is extremely powerful. Just like if you smile the second you wake up makes you happy the whole day, looking into the mirror and just telling yourself out loud that you are beautiful can make you truly confident in your looks. If this doesn't work alone, just try to change up your outfits and accessories! Always wearing the same attire can get boring.

146. I think one of the most suggested topics I've gotten is make-up. It all depends on what you're comfortable with- but just keep in mind that foundation and concealer were created for women over thirty. Having a bit of pimples here and there isn't a big deal, and covering it with a bunch of powder won't help it to go away any faster. I suggest when you first start wearing make-up that you ask your mom/aunt/sister or any other trusted girl in your life for advice on how much to wear, etc.

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