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Chris was so nervous.

Today was the day.

He was meeting your daughter for the first time.

He was excited and worried sick at the same time.

He'd been dating you at least three months now, and you hadnt let him around your child, or vice versa. You were incredibly protective of her, and you didn't want her in the spotlight of his band or anything.

She was only about three, and the father of her had bailed as soon as he'd learned you were pregnant.

So it had always just been the two of you.

And you were nervous about bringing Chris into the fold.

Chris hesitates as he stares at your front door, his hand hovering to knock.

He'd known you had a kid before he'd even asked you out, he'd known you for about a year before he'd gathered the courage to ask if you wanted to go on a date.

And you'd almost had a heart attack.

And had avoided him for two weeks.

But now it was okay.

You'd dated him, you liked him - he hopes you trust him, too.

You would have to though right?

To want him around your child?

He sighs, his hand starting to lower from where it hovers.

Should he really be doing this?

Did he really want this responsibility?

He didn't have kids, didn't really know anyone who did, and he had no idea how to act around one; he was the front man for a metal core band, for God's sake!

So did he really want the responsibility of dating a woman with a little kid who had never even known a father?

He really likes you, and he knows how hard it was for you to agree to even let him see your daughter.

You had her young, anyway, so you got a lot of shit for that; you'd expected it from him and the guys when they'd learned you had a kid at your age, but they'd all been cool about it.

So Chris hopes it's okay.

He chews his lip ring a minute, then sucks in a deep breath and knocks.

He wasn't going to ditch you because you had a kid.

He wasn't a shit head like the father of it.

You feel a little relief when you hear him knock.

You'd heard him step up outside, had peeked through the front window to see him standing there, hesitating. You wouldn't have blamed him if he'd bailed too, if he'd left and got out while he had the chance. You had a small child, it wasn't all fun and games for you like it was with everyone else.

It wasn't just you you were taking care of.

You had to work, you needed a job more then anyone else, because you had to make sure your daughter had everything she needed, and sometimes the stuff she wanted when you could afford it.

It was hard, having her on your own, but you wouldn't change anything.

She was the most important person to you.

She was on a tier.

You suck in a tight breathe as you step to your front door, hastily opening it before your courage disappears.

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