Lightly knocking on the door, Virginia’s soft voice allows me entrance so I enter, concerned about how she is functioning; Adrianna was pushing forward, not letting Jackson’s death control her life but Virginia on the other hand, was holed up in her room, refusing to socialise. Usually I would be trying to force someone upset from their bed but with it being my mate, I couldn’t bring myself to pry her from the comforting confinements just yet.

“Hey sweetheart, how you doing?” My greeting is hopefully comforting and relaxed; I don’t want to agitate her. Virginia didn’t need any added stress right now given her emotional turmoil.

I loved this woman more than anything; as selfish as it sounded, I would give up my life, my family, my money… anything to keep her happy. I’d live out of a cardboard box to be with Virginia; whatever she wanted I would push myself to collect.

Because that is what Virginia deserved as my mate.

Virginia deserved the world.

More than the world; the universe.

But the gaze I come to meet isn’t one I was expecting…

This look holds me to the spot and sizzles from my scalp right down to an area I haven’t used; a part of me I kept to myself, waiting for this moment… waiting for my mate. I couldn’t control my wolf’s reaction; a low whimper-whine escapes my lips as my limbs weaken, my self-control sliding away in record speed.


Deacon POV

Tissues, tissues and more tissues…

God damn I forgot how much Bethany could cry! Why didn’t this irritate me before cos it sure does now!?

The sniffling and sobbing was still going, and my patience was wearing thin; I knew why I was here, why I was drawn to Bethany and only now did it click…

My son, my heir was inside her.

Not even before, when we were a couple did I feel this way- not once did I ache to be close to her side. Not even once did I put off seeing my brother or my mum for her. But now, I can’t help but ensure she’s close by. It’s really bugging me.

I feel bad for Bethany, don’t get me wrong- of course I do- but now that I know my feelings and can make sense of them, it’s obvious and I feel stupid for leading her on. I felt like a serial tool for mistaking the lure towards my son as love for her.

I need to cut this quick and help her stand on her own feet; don’t doubt I’ll support her throughout our son’s life- I’ll help financially and co-parent to the best of my ability but that will be it. Our relationship will never extend beyond a civil friendship for our child’s sake.

As I dropped the last snot and tear soaked tissue into the waste basket, I felt a different sensation; another attraction, not to Bethany but from the guest house… to something or someone else.

The lure was undeniable, and seemed to control not only me but my wolf and my entire body; every hair on end, every pore a goose bump and my member twitching.

What the actual fuck??

“Bethany, I err have to go err do something,” I call out, unsure of what I’m even doing- I just have to follow this pull, let it lead me. I have no choice as my wolf is currently in the driving seat and I have no energy to fight.

Not waiting for an answer, I step out the front door and take a deep cleansing breath, hoping for clarity but end up inhaling the most potent of scents… In an instant my body was on high alert and I was running; actually running towards the house.

As I sprinted, following this most evocative smell I could feel my heart thumping violently and my dick growing surprisingly fast against my shorts. It hurt with how tight they became. Seriously what was happening to me and why was this smell pulling me in?

I found myself at Virginia’s door, not understanding the scent or the reason for it but pushing my way through and looking at the scene before me;

Declan was on his knees, groaning; head in his hands as he shook it violently, “I can’t. I want to so badly Virginia but I won’t… What about D-,”

“Declan, look behind you, now please! Help me!” Virginia was writhing and rocking on her bed, looking flush and seriously… shit, she’s in heat! Oh fuck!

Dec turned and looked at me with pain evident in his eyes, “Deac, she’s in heat. We can’t leave her like this. It hurts just watching.”

“That’s the scent?” I didn’t realise I’d voiced my question until Dec nodded at me, “ok erm, as creepy as this situation is, we have to do something. Virginia needs us and it was time we marked and mated… but… this is just wrong doing it together…”

This was coming, we all knew it would soon... please give me some ideas of how you want what's gonna happen to go down? 

I have some ideas but I'm tired so don't have the best imagination right now. lol.

Comment and vote you wonderful people. XX


Chapter 28;

My Mate or My Baby Momma? Sequel to MDOMMWhere stories live. Discover now