You Get In Trouble

Start from the beginning

Peter Quill:
You knew how much your father treasured his Walkman, and you couldn't have been more careful with it, when you took it from him without letting him know. You were in your room, listening to the music that was on there, but got busted, when your father came to check on you.

"Hey princess wha-HOW DID YOU GET THAT?!" He shouted, as you looked at him, and started screaming, and let's just say there was a 2 hour chase for you around the ship, but Rocket refused to help your father, and instead he helped you.

Peter Parker:
You were very young at the time, and didn't understand why you couldn't have any cookies before dinner. Your father was doing something, and Aunt May went out for the day (that rhymed!) but your father thought you were taking a nap, when really you were in the kitchen, trying to grab the cookies from the high counter. And of course, you being the tiny baby that you are, you reached as high as you could, making little grunting noises, but failed, when you saw someone stand over you, with their arms crossed.

"(Y/N), what are you doing?" Your father asked, as you gasped and shouted "cookie!" But he sighed, and picked you up. You started screaming and crying, before he looked at you, and you batted your eyelashes at him. "Don't bat your eyelashes at me, they aren't working!" He exclaimed. Then, you pouted your lip, and he sighed. "Fine, one cookie, but only one!" He exclaimed, causing you to squeal and giggle, as you munched happily on your cookie.

Clint Barton:
You were in bed, sleeping peacefully, until you heard your alarm clock go off. Your eyes shot open, and you wanted to cry at the thought of going to school. You pressed the snooze button, and sat up, you then got one of the best, overthought ideas of all time; pretending to be sick. So that's what you did, you started coughing, wheezing and blowing your nose, you even crumpled up a few tissues and threw them on your floor for the effect of looking sick, and your father came into the room. "(Y/N) are you up?" Your father asked, as you started coughing. He sighed, and looked at you. "You okay?" He asked. You shook your head. "No, my throat hurts and I don't feel good" you said, he frowned and sighed. "Okay, I'll get the thermometer, if you have a fever you'll stay home" your father said. You nodded quickly, as he left your room.

You quickly panicked, and started rubbing your hand across your head, causing friction, and maybe it would make it seem like you have a fever. Once you father came back, you coughed, and he put the thermometer underneath your tongue, and waited, but once the thermometer started beeping, he frowned. "98.2, you're fine" he said, furrowing his eyebrows. You sighed, as he took the thermometer out of your mouth. "You're grounded by the way" he muttered as you gasped. "For what?!" You shouted. "For pretending to be sick, and throwing tissues on the floor, you're not missing a day of school unless you're hemorrhaging, dying or throwing up your intestines" your father said, as you groaned, and got ready for school.

Nick Fury:
Your father was heading to an important meeting, and while he was leaving, you started following him, without him knowing. You would walk around, mimicking the looks you know he would give, and also mimicking every single move he would make. But once he started talking to Maria over his walkie-talkie, you started mimicking everything he was saying, and he gave you an angry look.

"What are you doing?" He asked. You smiled. "Following my very best role model father" you said smiling. He was still frowning, and you were smiling, trying to keep in your laughs. "Don't look at me like that" he said, as you started dying laughing on the floor, and every agent was looking at you, as your father was face palming.

Phil Coulson:
Your father was quietly reading paperwork, and going over it thoroughly, until he found a stick figure drawing of him, and you, holding hands, all over the paper. Of course, he just sighed and let it go, since you were only 6 years old, but when the next 8 pages were random drawings of the avengers, that's when he stormed to your room, and opened your door, to find you drawing over more paperwork. "(Y/N), what are you doing?!" He shouted, as you looked at him and gasped. "I'm drawing! See?" You said, holding up a picture of one of your favorite stuffed animals. "Daddy, don't you like it?" You asked.

He sighed, and walked over to you, and took the paper out of your hands. "You can't use this paper (Y/N), if you want paper you can ask me for blank paper, this paper is for work" he said, as you fluttered your eyes. "Isn't every paper he same?" You asked. He smiled, but shook his head. "Oh, well okay!" You exclaimed, as he smiled, and gave you regular paper, and he hung the picture of him and you, up on the fridge.

Scott Lang:
You were around 7 years old, and your were over your fathers, watching TV with him. You were laying on his chest, and he had fallen asleep, and you glanced over at him, and gasped, and started giggling. You got up, carefully, and walked around your fathers apartment, looking for his antman suit. You started running around, and peeked into every room, before you finally walked into your fathers bedroom, and found his helmet, resting on his nightstand.

You gasped, and quickly walked over to it, and placed it on your head, and gasped, before you turned, and saw your father standing in front of you with his arms crossed. You screamed, as he gently pulled the helmet off of your head. "(Y/N), you can't wear this!" He exclaimed. "But I wanted to be like you!" You exclaimed, as he bit his bottom lip, and sighed. He picked you up, and hugged you, and gave you a big kiss on the cheek.

Loki Laufeyson:
You were with your Uncle Thor, while your father was running some errands, and he told your father to watch you. "How come yours and daddy's hair is long?" You asked, as your uncle chuckled. "Well, we just don't want to cut it!" Thor exclaimed, as you giggled. "But you and daddy look like girls, especially daddy" you giggled, as you heard someone clear their throat. You gasped, and turned your head, and saw your father.

"I look like a girl?" He asked. You nodded, but started stuttering. "Y-You look like a pretty girl!" You exclaimed, as he picked you up, and started tickling you. "D-Daddy stop!" You laughed, as your father chuckled. "You call me a girl, you get the tickle monster!" He exclaimed, as your Uncle Thor sat and watched, as his brother, being not so evil.

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