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Averly Malfoy awoke with start. The sun shone blindly through her thin black drapes shinning over her pale skin. Her thick white hair a mess against her pillows and her plump lips chapped from dehydration.

The ungodly hour permitted a groan to erupt from her throat as she slowly sat up. Her room was large and made up of marble, green and silver accents littered the walls which never failed to make her scowl.

She had attempted numerous times her self to hang up her Gryffindor pride but was immediately scolded, immediately reprimanded and immediately punished.

Today would be the day of the quiddittch World Cup, her family being one of a high status blood line got amazing tickets in the minister box to watch the infamous sporting event.

Except she wasn't one for sports and she wasn't one for the ministry either.

Her long hair was brushed and braided back, her body clad in respectable clothes in a black cloak that contrasted wildly with her hair and her wand in the pocket.

Like every good wizard she didn't feel safe unless she had the company of her wand.

Her father eyed her attire with a scowl as her twin brother stood proudly by his side and Her mother tall and strong by the door.

"Took you long enough didn't it? Now hurry up will you we have to be there by a certain time" her father bit before pushing through the door.

She trudged along with her feet shuffling along the cobblestone path. She certainly did not want to go. She tried to get out of it, tried to get out of it so she sit at home with out the dreadful company of her family. She ached for freedom.

They walked aimlessly through town until they got to a deserted area with out muggles.

"Grab on now" Nacrissa said as she held out a polished diamond. The four of them touched the object and were sent flying through the air in circles.

Nausea crept up the young girls throat until suddenly she was falling through the air and landing on the floor harshly along side her brother.

"Get up! Get up now!" Her father snapped hitting her back with his cane.
Her ears were filled with the sound of loud cheers and fireworks, laughs and giggles and her eyes widened in awe as she stood up too see the sight in front of her. Witches and wizards crowded the lot by the hundreds bustling around repping for the team they wanted to win. Some flew around on broomsticks of their own and carts bustled by with nick nacks too sell

"Wow" Averly breathed before scampering over to her disappearing family. They reached the stadium and a muggle was there screeching "I don't understand what is even happening! You lots come here and everybody looks weird I swear! And then you pass me gold as if any sane person knows how to count that?" The muggle was obviously obliviated.

Lucius sneered at the man disgusted because of his non magical blood, which made Averly's boil.

Her father took out paper looking money while Draco and her frowned peering over his shoulder with curiosity. They had never seen green paper with ink on it before.

"It's muggle money" Nacrissa informed them stiffly.

Lucius huffed in annoyance trying to count the money while the muggle kept complaining ruthlessly.

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