Chapter 1 - "Wakey Wakey."

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Hii Guise !!! Well aren't you excited ? I AM .! Lol well ermm this is my first update and I'm so excited to see what you think about my story. Hopefully the feedback will be positive and I hope I can take negativity. Anyway.. I will not have a certain way of updating the story I will update whenever I can . don't worry I will work my butt off to update each day and if not then that means I've been busy. So school is coming up for me so idk if it will effect my updating routine hopefully not. If it does then I will update a lot these weeks that way I'll be far into the story. Okay so yeah sorry this is long. Also don't forget to vote and leave a comment if you want. Thanks . Bye . c;

~Chapter 1~

Marcel's POV RIIIIIINNNGGGG !!!!! I wake up to the loud sound of my alarm going off. I lazily climb out of my bed and grab my glasses as I make my way to Harry's room. Who was apparently still snoring. I roughly tap on Harry's shoulder. After my sorta harsh remark I see Harry's eyes flutter open. " Harry wake up before we're late." " Marcel just give me 10 more minutes." He replies in his hoarse morning voice. " No Harold, come on mate get your lazy bum up." "Alright Alright." He snaps with an annoyance tone. "Okay well be ready in 15 mins." I say as I exit his room.

Harry's POV As soon as Marcel leaves I quickly make my way to the restroom to brush my teeth. I then grab some black skinny jeans, a plain white t-shirt , and my white converse from my closet. I fix my messy curls to the side and grab my leather jacket. I go to Marcel's room and he was neatly making his bed. " Oh gosh Marcel just come on already." "Okay hold on just one second, TAADAAA I'm done." He announces with enthusiasm and a big smile. I can't help but laugh and roll my eyes due to his cheeky dorkness. My brother wasn't what we call "Popular" and he doesn't seem to mind. He may be the biggest nerd in school but, I'll never let anyone mess with him. After all he is my brother and I have to look over him because I'm the older twin.

Shayla's POV "Shay, Honey wake up." my mom says in a gentle voice. "Ughh Mom it's time already?" I ask with a groan. "Yes, sweetie now come on get up you don't want to be late on your first day of school." "I guess." I say annoyingly. She frowns at me. "Well whatever just get ready now." She says. "Okay." As she makes her way to the door , I make my way to my bathroom to take a shower. I quickly undress and go in. **** I finally finish. I grab my orange towel and head to my room. I then go to my closet and pull out a t-shirt , some shorts, and my converse. I change into my clothes and then I go back to my restroom , I decide to curl my hair which takes me 10 mins after that I apply mascara and a bit of lip gloss. I then make my way downstairs and I see my mom was ready to go. We then climb in the car and drive to school. We finally arrive . I stare out my window. Oh god I'm not ready for this.

Marcel's POV We climb into Harry's car and drive to school. This path was all too familiar, I remembered this path I hated it. I loved going to school but I hated most of the people. My brother has always tried to protect me but that doesn't stop most people who bully me. It's weird that I'm actually used too it. I then burst out of my little bubble as I recognized the old building. We suddenly park and walk out the car. Yep I will have to live with this for the next 9 months. It sucks.


Yeah guise well that was it. Thanks for reading . Don't forget to vote and comment C: Also sorry for the punctuation mistakes. I hope you guise like this chapter sorry about the constant change of POVs . Lol. (; Anyway Bye. Love Yall. Thanks for reading. Sorry thats its so short.

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