Okay but like

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Okay so like I was thinking and I wanted to open up commissions as I draw quite a bit and I don't really have money and stuff at all?? And I kinda wanted to do something that might end up in profit even if it's really small so here's basically the lay out for commissions they're on my page and stuff if you scroll down, you'll be able to purchase stuff ( I also have a donation box too but, I'd rather give you something in return tho tbh)  so basically here's how I'm gonna describe it
you'll tell me a charecter or OC you'd like me to draw ( A reference is required it's better if I have a colored drawn reference as I work better with that)
if you purchase a background and charecter you'll tell me what background you want as well
-also for pixel art I do need a digital color reference for best results
I'll try to have them done within a week of purchase and if I don't just tell me and ill work on it, as I could've forgotten but if there is a reason it's going to be delayed I will tell you.
  And that's really it if you have any questions about a commission please ask and I'll answer them, thank you for reading this and maybe possible considering commissioning me
The commotions are on my deviant art page as you can see in the screenshot above.

Drawing book 3.0 ( I need a cover I knowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora