Chapter 1

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PICTURE OF LEÎRA TO THE SIDE OR USE YOUR IMAGINATION  ############################################################################### "Hello", I shouted into the darkness but my voice only echoed whether in my head or out loud I couldn't tell

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PICTURE OF LEÎRA TO THE SIDE OR USE YOUR IMAGINATION  ############################################################################### "Hello", I shouted into the darkness but my voice only echoed whether in my head or out loud I couldn't tell. "Oh no I'm dead, I didn't get to say goodbye, I didn't get to finish my bucket list –uh I never got to meet my favorite viners. Oh my godfather, what about Blake, Izzy, Iris, Namîa, Carter, Olsen and my parents, did I get to say bye to them? Am I even dead? "Hello!" I screamed again into the darkness, but his time I got a reply- well sort of- "huh" said a high pitched squeaky voice, " you're much funnier than he said you would be, but I guess he's always wrong" the voice continued in a disappointed tone.

I'm sure you don't understand let me rewind a bit for yah, I'm Leîra Astra Kingston but my friends call me Le. I personally think I am the most awesome person alive but my friends and family disagree with me especially my sister Alēssandra. Alēssandra and I have always been close, I mean we fight a lot but she'll always be my baby sister even if she's taller than me. We have two younger siblings, Carter and Namîa. Carter is 15 and Namîa is 12 so they get along most of the time.

My friends Iris, Izzy and I are fairly bullied in school because of our skin color but I don't take crap from anyone, I have a backbone just like Blake, my other BFF, would say Blake's cool he stands up for me Iris, and Izzy all the time even when we're not there but I prefer he not do that because I can handle myself.

"Hey dickhead" I shouted down the hallway at Blake " Wait up" I jogged down the hallway to where he stood dodging assholes who wouldn't make way for me to pass. "Hey Blake, we have forenzics together why didn't you wait for me, I thought we were BFF's man" I pouted faking being upset.

Blake scoffed "I can't hang around a loser" he joked. It was my turn to scoff because if Blake couldn't hang around losers I don't know how he looks in a mirror everyday, I didn't say this out loud though I let his comment slide, this time.

"Hey" I looked around the hallway, "Where are Iris and Izzy I thought they were changing from Chem2 to forenzics with us. A dark look crossed Blake's face and I was quick to react "What's wrong man" I asked "You okay?" he just nodded in response and muttered gruffly "They're out sick". I nodded and grinned at him guess your'e my new prank partner" I said trying to lighten up the mood. Blake cringed and shook his head violently " Absolutely not, no fucking way. You and Izzy got suspended for putting whipped cream and rotten eggs in the cafeteria food".

I shrugged "It's in the past bruh, forgive and forget". Blake stared at me and replied in a monotone voice "That was last week dumb ass" I shrugged " Still in the past".

I giggled and we continued walking slowly to class discussing how fucked up school was and how much I hate Principal Morris but how much she loves Blake. Let me explain, Blake is a golden boy the whole package good grades doesn't ditch school unless he's sick. Blake is also a closet nerd which means, he's a nerd who watches pokémon for fun and in secret and has Dragon ball z toys but I can't judge him because I love playing with them anyway I on the other hand get straight B's and C's maybe a few teachers will throw in an A I ditch whenever I want to but I always make up for it by studying extra hard to keep up my grades.

"LE, LE, LE!" Blake shouts in my face "were you even listening we're here" he continues with a worried look on his face. " Oh yeah sorry, just thinking. Lets get this over with"

################################################################################Hey guys, this is not my first time writing a book but it is my first time writing one properly so please feel free to share ideas.






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