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Aleyah's pov;

We've been in the the studio for a while now. Perri and I decide to pop out to get Nandos for everyone. We jump into Perris Audi and drive to the closest Nandos to danceworks.

When we were waiting for our Nandos, Perri was acting quite strange. I was really confused because he was really quiet, he wasn't messing around and he wasn't annoying me. What the hell, something must be wrong with this kid. "Pel," no answer "Perri," still nothing. "Perri. Luc. Kiely." He finally turned his attention towards me. "Huh, oh sorry I zoned out." He smiled. Not a proper smile though, I'm not the one to fool. "Perri, what's wrong? I can tell something is up." I say looking at him concerned. "No, no, it's nothing don't worry" he say trying to shake it off and he side hugged me. "Pel, I know something is up." I look him dead shot in his eyes. "Okay, there's this girl," we don't lose eye contact. But I can feel my heart break into a million pieces. "She's beautiful, talented and her personality is like no other. She's caring, funny; well at least she makes me laugh. But I can't get the guts to tell her. I'm scared to lose her." He says looking down. "Well, erm. I'm not too sure what to say." I say looking away. Finally our order comes through and we walk back to the car.

Perris pov;
If only she knew. It's her. It's Aleyah Mia Smith! But I'm too scared to tell her. I don't want to ruin this friendship. She just means too much to me.

I return my focus to the road and continue driving. After 10 minutes of traffic, we finally pull up at the studio. We both jump out the car and make our way in. I smile at Dani at the reception and we just head on through.

Aleyah's pov;

I still can't get over what Perri told me. I'm actually heart broken. But obviously I can't tell him that. Once were done with the food I decide to pack my things up and make my way home. "Alright guys, I'll see you on Tuesday after 6th form. Boring I know." I said ending with a chuckle. "Wait your not going to walk home, by yourself, at this time!?" Jordan asks. "Well, yeah I am. See us." I wave them off and make my way out the door. It's not even dark the sun is about to set and I live like 5 minutes away. "Bye Dani." I smile "bye Hun" she says not even looking up, too busy with paper work I guess. I love her though. She's like another mother.

Just before I leave Pel runs out the studio. "You. Forgot. To. Give. Me. A. Hug." He says in between breaths, panting for air. I let out a giggle and hug him. His hugs are soooo good. "Better?" I ask laughing. "Better!" He smiles at me. "Text me when you get home." He kisses my head after I nod in agreement. I wave him goodbye and I make my way home. Oh and that kiss, yeah he always does that. I'm used to it by now.

Finally, I get home. Luckily just in time before the sun set. I pop my head around the door and see my mum (Lisa), step dad (Tom) and my little brother Archie, all busy watching TV. "Hey I'm home." Archie and mum turn around and both give me a smile. But nothing from my step dad, like usual,okayy.

I head upstairs and quickly type a text to Perri to let him know I'm home.

To Pel💓; Hey I just got in xx😅

Almost immediately get a reply.

From Pel💓; Hey, good. Do you mind if I take you out for a meal tomorrow? 👀 xx

My heart stops. Okay calmnmm downnnn.

To Pel💓; Sure.  Casual or fancy? Xx

From Pel💓; Fancy but not too fancy😂👍🏻 I'll pick you up at 7 xx

Oh my. I honestly cannot wait for tomorrow.

Just friends? // Perri Luc Kiely FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now