moving in + new doggo

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so nash and i have been dating for almost 5 months and I think we need to make a decision hello I said to Nash as she walked into my house.I love him

"Nash do you want to move in with me" i assed

"yes baby" he saidn and went home to get his stuff

i'm so in love

at night when i was helping kash bring hos bags inside i saw a stray dog outside my house. it had pointy ears and a band type thing around his eyes, resembling a robbers mask. it also had a ringed tail with grey and black stripes. i picked it up and it was very mad at me. i said sorry and showed it into the hosue

"nash i got us a god!!" i said

"awh thanks tedda. ily and our new dog. we shall name it edmond randolph"

awh i love him
"ily" i sad

"i luv u too bbay" he said

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