“Why?” I question. 

“Why not?” She challenges. 

“Well why?” 

“Well why not?” 

I pull into the parking lot of the mini golf and take my keys out. “You don’t always have to be so secretive around me.” Lacey just stares at me while I look at her, “You don’t have to be uncomfortable either,” I add when I drop my graze to her hands in her lap. She sighs and releases her grip on her fingers. 

“I know. Sorry,” she mumbles. I give her a smile. “Time to golf?” she nods and then we head out. 

I now had to make everything seem okay. I now have to show her I show no harm but I’m pretty sure I just ruined our date. I hope not but at this point it seems like I did. I guess though with trying to figure out her code it comes with consequences. I’m not worried too much about it but it still pisses me off I just ruined our date in not even the first 30 minutes.  So to lighten the mood – or my mood- why not tease her a little? 

“I’m going to kick your butt,” I tease. 

Lacey looks over her shoulder. “Why so cocky?” I lift an eyebrow. “Because I know I can win.” 

“Want to make a bet?” Lacey says as she turns around. “I do actually.” 

“Question for question.” 

I chuckle. “That is so boring! Why not something fun?” 

Lacey bites her lip. “Fine what do you have in mind?” 

I smirk. “Loser has to make the winner food while wearing a thong and apron,” I reply. 

Lacey creases her eyebrows. “No way.” 

“Afraid of losing?” 

Lacey sighs. “Deal.” 


Lacey’s open and trust worthy’s laugh fills my ears as I enter the kitchen. I try to hide the blush in my cheeks as I take a sarcastic bow. 

“Madame Mitchell what would you like to eat?” 

Lacey puts her lips in a thin line. “Do a twirl real fast,” she says, I sigh but turn around and her giggles fill her kitchen. Instead of a thong she let me off the hook and I put on tiddy whities but I would rather wear thongs at this point. “I’m in the mood for… Pancakes.” I nod and then walk over to the sink, opening cabinets to find stuff for pancakes. 

Sadly, I had lost by a couple points. Lacey had got a hole in one on the last course. So instead of hitting the food court we drove back to her house. Emilee left when we came home and Lily is upstairs sleeping. 

It was fun playing mini golf with Lacey, after a couple holes she finally opened up and started laughing and enjoying herself. She’s been showing me a side of her I have never seen before. I was really enjoying my time with Lacey tonight; she’s opening up and just being Lacey. I love her laugh, her smile, and just everything about her. It’s been a fun second date, even if I am wearing tiddy whities, and an apron. All that matters is that she has a smile on her face. She’s most definitely more comfortable around me. 

“Does my butt look big in these?” I tease as I look over my shoulder at Lacey. She grins and shakes her head, muffling her laughter with her hand. I grin, myself and turn back around to flip the pancake that was now starting to crisp. 

“Seth?” Lacey questions, I nod. “How does it feel to lose?” 

I shake my head but keep a grin on my face. “I feel more embarrassed than anything at this point,” I honestly reply. 

“You’re the one who came up with it.” I laugh.  

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