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I hate you all -.-
Was tagged by Opera_Phan & RoseLupin27 :|

1) Favorite Song and Why?

Honestly it depends on my mood. But I also don't like sharing my favorite songs, cause the lyrics are kinda personal. So... Moving on.

2) Most Embarrassing Moment?

I can't really think of any one in particular. But I'm clumsy as hell and I have a tendency to just randomly run into walls. ...I blame the rum.

3) Dream Car?

A Ferrari. A red Ferrari. Like, a Magnum P.I. Ferrari o.o

Any of Iron Man's cars would be fine too. I'm not picky :|

4) Favorite Sport and Why?

I don't like sports that much. I didn't play them as a child cause I was too violent >.> if I had to pick one, probably boxing. I was more of a theater kid though, so yeah.

5) Scenario: Man walks up to you and hands you a briefcase and says, "Your life, your choice. Sixty seconds." Then walks away. What do you do?

Easy. I'd give it to someone else. It's their problem now. No heroes here.

I tag...


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