ch 2 Knight

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'Guess I have to reveal my self' Naruto thought. "Kai" Naruto said and a poof of smoke briefly obscured him. When the smoke disapeared, Naruto stood in all of his glory. Two furry ears stood ontop of his head, and nine fluffy tails waved behind him. His hair and teeth grew longer, his teeth sharping into fangs. He flared out both chakras which took the form of a blue and red firey aura.

"You!" The kyuubi exclaimed.

"Yep, the one and only Uzumaki Naruto, kitsune hanyou at your service," Naruto said, giving a foxy grin and a mock bow.

"What how? Even if you are a kitsune hanyou, you can only live for one thousand years." The kyuubi exclaimed.

" Shukaku, Matatabi, Isobu, Son Gokū, Kokuō, Saiken, Chōmei, Gyūki leave," Naruto said and they returned to gehenna.

"Shiro I advise that you leave, I don't want you to get hurt. You are a precious person to me," Naruto said, turning to Shiro. Shiro's eyes widened after hearing that and nodded sadly, leaving the spot.

"When I disappeared from my mindscape my body appeared here in the future," Naruto said.

"Ah so thats what happened, but I'll tell you what happened afterwards," Kyuubi said.

"Part of me was sealed back into you. You originally had the yang half, and when you took of the seal releasing me the Yondaime appeared after and sealed the yin part into you," Kyuubi said.


'No I can still do something' the yondaime thought. He stuck his hand into his stomach and pulled out a crimson orb.

"I hope this works," the yondaime thought, and sealed the orb into Naruto. The orb expanded and took shape of the Kyuubi behind the bars. The yondaime smiled, before fading away.

Flashback end

"Afterwards you became an annoying hyperactive brat, and then you became a genin. When you were thirteen the damm Uchiha Sasuke plunged his hand into your heart and killed you." The kyuubi continued and finished the story.

"Thank you Kurama for the gifts, will you let me summon your brethren?" Naruto asked.

"Yes, only in battle and to train, I have one last gift for you. I made it so you can contain your demonic powers in the sword so you won't have to be in a constant transformation" the Kyuubi said.

"One last thing, who is satan?" Naruto asked.

"He is a shinobi turned demon that rules hell, or gehenna. He is powerful but he can't beat us, he is actually the last human to naturally be born with chakra. His chakra can't be used to do any jutsu, but it takes a form of powerful flames. He turned into a mass of chakra or a demon when he died. He also has the habit of possesing humans, but with the overload of chakra they die," Kyuubi said before leaving.

Naruto sighed, as he took the infinity key he stole from Shiro and entered Shiro's office.

"Hey Naruto, guess that I have to up your training. Tomorrow I will get my other student to train you with a sword," Shiro said.

"Really? Thanks old man, for everything, just please don't tell the Vatican about me," Naruto said.

"Don't worry, I have something to tell you too," Shiro said.

"Rin and Yukio, they are the sons of Satan, but only Rin posesses the power of satan. The power was sealed into the demon sword Kurikara" Shito explained.

"What does this have to do with me?" Naruto asked.

"As my most promising and last apprentice, you are to take my place as paladin of my probable untimely death. I entrust you with this secret that even the Vatican doesn't know," Shiro said.

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