A Tasteful Lesson

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A college professor gives a memorable lesson to a curious student.
  I became a journalism major at this school at first to avoid having to go into the military like my mother. My father wanted me to got into engineering, as he did when he was my age. Unfortunately, at that time that was the only job he could find to keep money in the bank. My mother stayed as a house mom for four years until she had me and my other three brothers. Of all of us, I was held to a higher academic level, since my lanky figure could only take so much football in the burning California sun. I didn't mind, it gave me time to explore this passion that later gave me the opportunity to meet Ms. Audra, a spontaneous, young, colored woman who never picked favorites. Because of my Cuban roots, I was never really introduced to people like her. I feel bad that I wasn't around black people as much as I should have. Her accent rolled off her tongue so sweetly that it made everything she said sound beautiful... too bad she was a teacher.
"Alright class, since you've been doing so well with realistic narratives, I have assigned a challenge project," she wrote on the board as she spoke, "I would be talking about fictional narrative. Now, when I say fictional, I don't mean personifying animals and making trees talk. You can, however, put your own mythical or supernatural twists in it but that is it,"
I raised my hand, along with many others. She ditched my hand and went to the girl in front of me.
"Ms. Audra, why do we have to write about fictional stuff instead of actual research?"
"Well, that's why it's a challenge. Also, I can only take so much reality," she briefly looked my way," Everyone needs a little getaway from reality,"
Another boy to the far left of the room raised his hand.
"How in depth do you want it to be?" he asked.
Several other people questioned the length of the story, and the structure of the challenge. Honestly, I was asking all of their questions,  but I couldn't keep my hand up forever. She swept the yard stick off her desk and sung it at the first desk she found. Everyone quieted for her to continue with her explanation.
"Alright, let me be extremely blunt here: Writing is like sex. If it's good, it will have all the right components, and it will be memorable," Some people looked at each other while others winked and snickered," Seems like some of you are going to learn if you've been doing each other right. Now, normally it'll start with the average, light kissing, and touching. Foreplay, if you will, and that will be your first few chapters. Keep it interesting while slowly undressing the subject, as you would a girl, or your man. The more you show, the more you can do. Tease the audience, but don't forget to give them satisfaction. After your..."she giggled to herself," "climax" make sure you give the audience a moment to deem your game. Now that I've given you your fill in sex education, the challenge should be no less than three pages, with a title and at least five characters. Yes, Trevor,"
"Are you sure you're single? Cause, you seem like you know a lot about this,"
She slowly made her way to his desk while twirling the yard stick. "Trevor, you don't have to be with someone to make a connection between good sex and writing. And, yes, I am sure,"
  My face heated up when she said that. Curiosity filled my head of dirty thoughts about her, as my eyes trailed over her smooth curves. A sudden tap on my shoulder brought my attention to my friend.
"Save my seat for next class," he said slipping me his excuse letter,"Gotta go take care of this," he hinted with a wink and a wide smile.
I shook my head. He was always getting turned on in this class. I felt my gaze slowly trail down to my pants. He had a good reason to be horny, though.
"Marco?" Ms. Audra beckoned me to her desk with a slender finger.
I could feel the heat on my cheeks rise. Normally, that would be the call for bed. I lowered my books to my waist and made my way to her.
"I know this may be a little unorthodox to do, but I have no time between my planning periods and my regular classes," she adjusted the her blazer and rose to her feet," I would like to discuss your latest narrative that was assigned a couple weeks ago. Mostly, I would like to know why you chose that story and your viewing point of the material,"
I nodded, still hazy from today's lesson. Cold metal touched my chin, rising my head to meet at eye level. Her eyes were dark and sweet, almost as if giving a kind, innocent aura... along with a hint of mischief.
"If you are free tonight, I'd like you to come to my house," she proposed quietly, as if this was an important secret.
"Okay, yeah I'll be there," I stammered.
Her smile widened, and she removed the pencil from under my chin. She hastily scribbled something on a few pieces of paper, while expressing her thanks in ecstatic murmurs. To me, it was like watching a child get promised something they want. I couldn't say that I didn't feel the same way; I mean, I was going to a teacher's home. I was going to be alone with the sexiest woman this side of the campus. I could feel my blush deepen. She raised her head, and jutted her hand out to me. Her address and an excuse note were written on two separate sheets of paper.
"Oh, Marco," she went behind her chair and snatched a gray hoodie,"Take this,"
I hesitantly accepted the jacket.
"Um, why are you giving this to me?" he asked.
She folded her arms and studied me, wondering how to phrase her following sentence.
"Look, I know there are some cute girls...or guys in this class, but not everyone needs to notice your...uh... excitement," she explained slowly.
I laid my books down and put on the hoodie as she spoke, not really comprehending what she said. I gave her my appreciation and went to my remaining classes.
   Stress rolled off my chest as I finally was able to breath for once in this whole semester. Fall break was next week, and finals were finished. Now all I was waiting for, was the call from my parents about my grades. Also, I would be waiting to see Ms. Audra later. An excited sigh rolled out of my mouth as I felt my pants tighten at the front. She may have been single, but she must have experienced some type of sex in order to have tied it in so confidently. Or least have watched porn somewhere. My hands subconsciously moved down my body, under my pants and underwear, grabbing hold of myself. Just the thought of her on the bed, legs wide open, and eyes focused on people fucking the crap out of each other was enough to push me to the point of cumming. If I could just see her fingering herself, or even moaning my name would be sufficient. Moans spilled out of lips as my hand moved faster. I closed my eyes, shamelessly pleasuring myself to the thought of Ms. Audra. It began to sound wet, but I couldn't stop. I'd done this before, but it seemed so much hotter this time. My toes flexed as I felt my climax sneaking up on me. My breaths came out in short gasps in between moans.
"Hah...fuck Ms. Audra...I, "
I tipped my head back and released it all over my hand and hips. Once I calmed down, I brought my sticky hand to my face. I groaned.
"Yo, Marco, whatchu doin'?" Trevor asked through the door.
I quickly got up and waddled over to bathroom, though my pants were restricting much of my speed from their position at my ankles.
"Uh nothing," I called back.
"Was you masturbating, again?" he asked.
I almost slipped upon hearing that, shooting my hand out for support, and getting cum on the counter. I mentally cursed at my arousal and scrambled for a towel.
"Dude, what the hell?" I exclaimed.
"What? You moan like a bitch when you do it," he said.
I turned on the water in the shower and closed the door.
"If you need to come in, go ahead. Just don't bring up me masturbating,"
A wicked laughter sounded along with feet tapping the carpet. I stripped off my clothes and slipped in the shower, washing away the embarrassment of the moment, along with the rest of my release.
"At least you're clean about it," he said,"Last roommate I had did it in my bed as a prank,"
I mentally shivered at the thought of seeing that in my bed.
"Is that why you left the bastard?" I asked.
"That and he was always leaving hair in the shower whenever he shaved,"
"Well, you are Japanese so I wouldn't think you'd ever have that issue,"
"That's not why it annoyed me,"
I turned the faucet off and stepped out the shower. Please let me get through tonight without a boner....
   The drive to Ms. Audra's house wasn't very bad. In fact it was fairly close to the school. I wonder if that was for work or location. I pulled up to her house, but not close enough. There was a man drenched to the point where I could see his skin through his shirt. Ms. Audra had a hose in her grasp. He was yelling something at her out of audible range. Then, saw him look at me. He looked distraught and a little curious as to why I was here.
"Hey! Get your shit, Thomas and get the hell away from my property!" she yelled.
"Why, cause your replacement just showed up?!" he retorted.
"Thomas, I ain't playin with you! You know you had ten girls while you were with me so don't you dare victimize yourself,"
"Answer me, girl," he screamed back.
She hosed him down and told him to get out again. He held his hands up in surrender. The water shut off.
"Come on, just tell me," he whined with much less force in his voice.
"He ain't my man," she replied.
The man inched closer, causing her to lift her weapon.
"Wait wait, please, just tell me what you want me to do and I'll do it, I swear," he pleaded.
She hesitated, then lowered the hose.
"Just get off my property,"
"Okay," he said, backing away and moving to his car. After he drove off, I slowly pulled up in front of the house and parked. She threw the hose on the lawn and beckoned me with a wild arm movements. I got out and joined her inside the house. Beyond the threshold was like a giant modernized loft. I'd never thought that she'd be living in a place like this. It was such an amazing abode.
"Sorry you had to see that, Marco. He's been hanging around my house ever since I threw him out," she explained.
"Are you gonna take him back?" I asked.
She sighed.
"I don't want to," she replied,"Anyway, the room is upstairs next to the library. I'll be up there in a minute,"
I did as she said and trekked up the wooden stairs. I passed a couple rooms until one caught my eye. I retraced my steps to the doorway. The sliding door was half open. I looked over my shoulder, then slipped through the opening. Hundreds of books covered the walls like a giant quilt bringing color to just about every inch. The room was shaped like a wide dome with a ledge serving as a second floor. Embroidered rugs and pillows covered the floor, making this all seem so cozy. A cut out in the top wall encouraged my curiosity, so I climbed the ladder, and went in the direction of the room.
  Inside, there was an abundance of blankets and thick pillows covering the floor. A few books laid on the comfy mass, causing me to believe that this was her own personal reading nook. I didn't know what a teacher could do to make this happen, but she did it. Then, I realized something. What if the guy was the one making all this happen?
"Marco," a low voice beckoned to me. 
I turned and found Ms. Audra leaning against the door frame in nothing but a shirt that barely skimmed past her knees. The heat in my pants and face returned at full force, as I desperately tried to retain eye contact.
"I see you found my secret hideaway," she commented," Or would you rather talk here instead of the bedroom,"
"Uhm, I didn't know that was where this was headed. I mean, well,"
"What do you mean?"she proceeded.
Does she not understand the situation?! I'm hella turned on here!
I sighed,"I have no idea. Though, this is a nice hideaway you got here,"
She stared at me for a second, as if contemplating why I changed the subject so quickly. She shrugged.
"This room kind of serves as a place where I sleep when I can't make it to bed," she explained,"But I understand that it would be awkward to talk to your teacher in their bedroom,"
"Wouldn't think awkward would be the right answer," the question in her face made me realize what I'd just said,"Uh, not like that I mean, you're beautiful, and young, too so it wouldn't be uncomfortable,"
She slew me a skeptical look,"So if I were an old man with nothing to live for talking to you in his bedroom, would that be awkward?"
"Well, yeah,"
She giggled,"A man's logic is so intriguing to me,"
"How so?"
Now, it was her turn to stammer.
"Well, the guy's thinking process is so simple and to the point. Talking seems as if you know so much without having to explain yourselves. For example: If I asked you if you had a significant other you would say..."
"No," I replied.
"Because I don't,"
Her eyes lit up, and confidence backed up her tone.
"See? Now if it were a guy asking a girl it would be an ongoing explanation about why she was single and how many men she'd been cheated on,"
"Then I'd ask you: why don't you stop looking, and notice what's in front of you?" I proposed.
Silence. She stood there, visibly stumped at my comment. Before I could take it back, she held up a finger and made her way in the room. I studied her movement closely, awaiting her answer. She lifted her head, her eyes full of tears. It suddenly got so much harder to breath knowing she was affected this much by my question.  
"Wait, Marco?" she said,"Did you mean that, about yourself?"
There was no way I could lie to her. All I could manage was a simple nod. Her hands curled into fists at her chest, and she bowed her head. I took the gesture as an invitation and wrapped my arms around her back. Her hands snuck between us and touched my face. The space between us lessened until our lips touched. Her arms went to my neck, bringing me closer. Her lips grazed against my ear.
"You're hard," she whispered as her hand snuck between us to verify her claim.
At that point, something snapped when I heard that. I pushed her against the wall and slipped my hand between her parted legs. I slowly rubbed my thumb against the satin covering, smirking at the whimper she gave.
"And you're wet Ms. Audra," I crooned,"Doesn't seem like you're new to this,"
"What makes you say that?" she panted.
"Because....when I do this," I accentuated by shoving a quick finger in her entrance," it doesn't hurt,"
The arms around my neck tightened, as airy moans spilled out of her lips. I stared at her expression in awe. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her eyes were hazed over and focused on were my hand was. Man, the whole picture had me out of breath.
"Oh God," I said,"You're so sexy,"
My fingers were virtually soaking when I took them out. She shivered a little from the lack of filler. I lowered my pants and slicked my manhood with her cum. Curious fingers tugged on my shirt, and moved underneath to caress my stomach and chest. I acknowledged her silent question, and removed my shirt. She followed suit, revealing a black lacy bra. I impatiently unclasped the back and began to kiss and squeeze her breasts.
"Mm~ Good, it feels so good," she moaned.
"Ms. Audra, I want you,"
"Marco," she murmured," Fuck me good,"
I narrowed my eyes, willingly able to oblige.
"Whatever my teacher wants,"
I slammed in hard, hearing my name being called out feverishly. I held her legs around my waist and thrusted forcefully into her tight pussy.  I let my head rest in the crook of her shoulder, as a pleasurable voice softly dribbled from my mouth. Ms. Audra's nails raked into into my back, indicating that I had hit her sweet spot. I still asked just to tease. She whimpered, tightening her legs when I moved particularly faster.

"Ah, you tightened right then," I panted,"Was I right?"

"Yes! That's it! That's the..." her praise melted into another round of frantic moans. 

I stared into her lust-filled eyes. She was getting close, and so was I. She tilted her head back and screamed my name. That was enough to do me over. I pulled out, and came all over her stomach and hips. My whole body shivered from the impact of the climax. We gradually slid down the wall, out of breath and covered in sweat and cum. I looked up at Ms. Audra.

"Did you cum?" I asked.

All she could do was nod. I kissed her cheek, and rolled off her body to sit next the her. This secret hideout definitely had new meaning, now.

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