Guns and Roses

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My eyes frantically searched the area surrounding me and I walked ahead making sure my fingers were firmly griped on the trigger of my gun. Well, I know you're imaginations are running wild but please tell them to stop. No I am not in middle of a war and I was far from being an assassin. I moved silently to find my boyfriend and shoot him with paintballs loaded in my gun. Yes, you read it right. Swayam Shekhawat that's the name of the guy who thought it would be better to take his girlfriend to a paintball fight rather than a restaurant for their first date. I won't deny the fact that the idea actually made me a tad bit happy but I dreamed of something more conventional. Yes surely a girl can dream. My trail of thoughts is interrupted as my peripheral vision catches someone's shadow behind one of the huge cans placed randomly. There are no points in guessing to whom the shadow belong, so I took quick steps to attack my unsuspecting boyfriend. As I reach I am disappointed to find sacks behind the cans.

Damn it. I could hear slow footsteps behind my back heading in my direction.

"Finding someone?" he said in a mocking sound.

I turned behind to find him aiming his gun towards me. He must have planned this for weeks and my stupid brain thought that he would hid behind the most predictable things. His face was covered by a helmet but I could bet on my life he was smirking. Oh! That annoying smirk of his.

"Fine. Shoot me." I said with defeat resounding in my voice.

"Aww my honeypie is so sad" he said.

I stood there waiting for him to shoot me because there was no use in wasting my precious energy running from the inevitable.

"I am not that bad Shar. You do the opening honours."

"Being a gentleman now? You found me first, you shoot. I will knock some sense in you after that." I said impatiently.

He tapped his fingers on the trigger before shooting me on my arm. I jerked back inspecting the red spot on my arm when I heard him say "your wish is my command."

"You moron." I yelled shooting him with a trail of paintballs.

"You still remember I am your girlfriend right?" I said to which he replied.

"Of course. That's why I did as you told me to do." I resumed shooting at him.

He then ducked behind a can for cover. I took position behind one too and resumed shooting at him. After almost half an hour and both of us covered in paint with a few bruises we decided to wrap it up.

"Had fun?" he asked removing his helmet. He was looking sincerely at me waiting for an answer. I on the other hand wanted to add some drama to this situation.

"What type of boyfriend brings his girlfriend to a paintball fight?" I said without any expression.


"Heard me right. You planned for so many days for this?" I said controlling my laughter.

"Oh. I thought you would like something different." He said with a small frown.

Oh! My boyfriend was looking as cute as a puppy. I couldn't control it any further and burst out laughing. Swayam just looked amusingly at me.

"Care to explain?"

"Of course." I said pulling his cheeks.

"I just wanted some drama. Your expression was priceless!"

He didn't reply, just looked at me first with a quizzical look and then with a relieved one.

"I really enjoyed it Swayam. Never thought shooting you would be so much fun." I said innocently smiling.

He snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me towards his chest. Thank god we were the only people or I would have died in embarrassment. I started to blush and tried to hide it in his chest. He held my chin and brought my face in level with his face.

"I am glad you liked it Shar." He said before kissing my forehead. We could have been standing there looking into each other's eyes like a typical romantic movie but this was no movie. Swayam ran his paint covered hands all over my face. I freed me myself from his arms and ran behind him to do the same thing he did to me. After covering each other with paint we finally went to change.

I waited for him at the entrance for about 10 minutes and I was without a doubt not in a great mood. Like all the girls I too didn't like my boyfriend turning up late and to top it off I was that girl who never was late for anything. I hate being late so much that I rather be at a place half an hour early than 5 minutes late. My trails of thought are interrupted when someone hugs me from the back.

"Ready to go to the next stop?"

"If that stop is my home then let's go."

"Don't be so lazy Shar."

"Lazy? I just spend the afternoon running behind you."

"Are you coming willingly or should I force you to do so?"

"I would love to see you try."

He smirked at me and then scooped me in his arms. Again God was on our side because the place was strangely deserted.

"Swayam put me on the ground now!"

"You said you'd love to see me try." I just rolled my eyes at this and he began moving towards his car.

We drove for some time till he stopped near a place which I clearly didn't recognize. He opened my door gesturing me to step out. The place was beautiful and by my guess it was preferably outside the city. The trees made the surrounding cool and the sun was just about to set giving the sky a rich orange colour. Swayam intertwined his fingers with mine and led me towards a tree. We both sat down under the tree and I rested my head on his shoulders.

"This place is beautiful Swayam."

"That's why I decided to bring my gorgeous girlfriend here."

"Did you watch some romantic movie today?"

"No. My inner SRK has woken up today." I just chuckled at this and fixed my eyes on the sunset, holding Swayam tighter.



"This was the best first date ever." I removed my head from his shoulder and looked at him.

He did the same, his eyes glistening with love for me.

"I love you."

"I love you too."  I said before he placed his lips on mine.

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