.:Chapter 1:. ~Questions and Answers~

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beep beep beep beep beep be-click

Chara slammed her hand down on the STOP button of her alarm clock. She sat up, still drowsy from having just woken up. She searched through her tangled thoughts in her head. Today was the first day of summer break. Chara stretched, catching sight of a small frame on her bedside table. She smiled. It was a picture from a long time ago. 6 years earlier to be exact. Her adoptive mother Toriel, Asriel, Sans and Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, Mettaton, her friends,Asgore, Frisk and herself were in the picture. She set the picture down and started getting dressed. She put on a pair of jeans, some honey-brown boots, a grey shirt, and her heart locket. She had had the locket for the longest time, and she and Asriel wore their lockets always. 

Chara walked downstairs. Asriel had gotten up earlier, and sat on the couch of their apartment watching Mettaton's show. Mettaton started preforming on the surface as soon as he arrived, and the humans grew to like him quickly. "Mornin', Char," Asriel said, using his sister's nickname to greet her. "Morning, Azzy" Chara smiled, shooting a nickname right back at her brother. She pulled out a box of Cocoa Puffs from a cabinet, and grabbed a gallon milk jug from the fridge. "So, what's Mettaton up to now?" Chara asked, fixing herself some cereal. "His weekly Q and A," Asriel replied, "A lot more humans want to know about life in the underground, but it seems there isn't much more to tell." Chara nodded. she put the items back in their places, sat at the table and started eating. 

After a few minutes, Chara was done eating. She checked her phone. It was completely blown up with texts from her friends along the lines of "Where are you?". She suddenly realized what today also was. "Oh my god, I forgot!" Chara started to panic. "Forgot what?" Asriel looked at his sister, who was running to get her car keys, confused. "I forgot that Mettaton was doing a special today where the audience would ask us questions instead of just having him! Thank god it was supposed to be the part!" Chara sprinted out of the door, and started making a run for her car.

Meanwhile, Frisk paced around the room uneasily. Him and the others had been trying to get in touch with her for hours. "Don't worry, Frisk," Mia reassured him, "I'm sure she's ok." Then, as if on cue, Chara nearly broke the door down trying to run in. "I'm .... here...." she panted. Frisk walked over to Chara. "Chara, what happened? We were starting to think you got hurt!" Frisk said, not angrily, but he certainly did seem worried. "Oh, yeah, About that. I nearly forgot about this," Chara smiled awkwardly. "Well, at least your ok," Frisk smiled, giving Chara a small kiss on her forehead. Chara couldn't help but blush. Someone knocked on the door of that dressing room. Zacharie was the one to answer. "You guys are on in ten." the assistant boy said. "Alright, thanks." Zacharie replied. Once the door closed, he looked over just in time to see Chara kiss Frisk on his lips. "Hey, Lovebirds!" Zach teased, "We're on in ten! Stop smooching and get ready!" Chara pulled away, and gave a fake glare to Zach. It wasn't uncommon of him to tease like that, but it certainly did ruin a lot of perfect moments. 

"And now, Ladies and Gentlemen, the moment you've all been waiting for, I present to you, the only known humans to come out of Mt.Ebott..." Mettaton called out names, and the group of 8 stepped out onto the stage in that order. The audience cheered. Everyone waved excitedly. Chara was a bit nervous, she would admit. Things went relatively smoothly from then on. "Is the entire place exactly like a video game?" One fan asked. "Why did you all go down?" Asked another. "Did you ever sleep?" another one chimed. There were so many questions for the 8 of them. It seemed many people were interested in the human's point of view. 

When the show was over, the group went out to eat at a Japanese restaurant. After they ate and payed, everyone parted once again. Before Chara could leave, however, Frisk caught her. "Hey, Chara!" he called. "Yeah?" Chara said. "I was wondering, you wanna meet up Saturday and just hang out, maybe go to a movie or something?" Frisk asked. Chara smiled, "Sure," She said. Frisk smiled as well. "Alright. See you then!" an then, after one last kiss on the lips, the two parted until Saturday.

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