Chapter One

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Working as a barista in a small coffee shop wasn't my dream at all. But I take my job seriously since barista-blood was run in my family, my grandfather and my father were used to be a bqrista and my older brother currently was working as a barista in America.

And yeah, become barista wasn't bad at all. I like drinking coffee and making coffee for others. The only matter of me being a barista was it is not a romantic job. I prefer to work in a florist, working with flowers and maybe I could meet my soul-mate like in the rom-com movie my brother always watched.

For me, barista wasn't a cool job for a girl like me. Barista was a job for boys; at least in my opinion. But I couldn't quit this job since I need money after me dropped out from Uni and live on my own in London. My family pretty upset with me at first, but after I shown them that I could survive by myself for two years, they support my decision. My father even made a small celebration for my two-years-as-barista-anniversary three months prior.

"Hey Ann, are you done daydreaming?" a voice dragged me out from the tunnel of my thoughts, and when I turn my head to the side, I saw Brendan looking at me with annoyed stare. Brendan was the patissier in this shop, and he's also my flat-mate.

I sigh and continue drying the pile of cups and saucer on the counter in front of me. "What's up, Bren?"

"Just gonna tell ye that my Want-Tea!-Petition was completed," he said with a smug expression whilst his hand waving a book to me.

"WHAT?" I throw my napkin to the counter and snatched the book from Bren's hand. It was a petition for the customer who wants tea became a drink in the menu besides coffee.

All of this was Bren's ideas since he's a tea-guy and doesn't really like coffee. He's also told me that the pastries he's made not all suitable for coffee, some of them should be tea's company.

Our boss agrees Bren's idea the first time he brought that idea up to him. But Ryan -our kind boss- asked Bren to make a petition book so we could know our customer's desires.

And since the petition has been opened two weeks ago, the customers respond was incredible, and now Brendan just told me that the petition has made it.

"So, Ryan would hire a tea maker, then?" I slam the book to Bren's chest and go back to my previous task.

Brendan nodded happily. "Yeah!" he nearly shouted with his high pitched yet soft voice.

I rolled my eyes and put the last cup to the rack, then turned my body to lean my lower back to counter. "I hope the new employee were a cool boy," I dried my hand before throw the napkin to Brendan.

Brendan pouted and put the napkin to counter. "No. I hope the new employee were a cute girl, a cute tea-maker girl," he grinned.

I pulled face at him. "You're just hopelessly-romantic-single-boy," I said with a laugh, making Brendan grumbled. But what I just said was true. Brendan was a romantic-single-boy who hasn't in a relationship since I met him two years ago.

"Guys!" suddenly Josh' head popped from the staff's room. "Just stop bantering and let's go home!" he said before disappearing again.

I stuck my tongue out to Brendan then went to staff's room to change my uniform.

Brendan dropped his backpack to my lap as soon as I sat on the-only-empty-tube's seat. He stood in front of me, his hands hold on to the bar above him to balance himself as the tube jolted back and forth.

I just hold his backpack along with my own backpack on my lap as I continued eating the leftover croissant from the shop.

Our little flat was one hour trip by tube from centre of London, since it was the cheapest and nicest flat we could find a year ago. Before moved to that flat, Brendan and I lived in a flat near the shop, but it was so small and the rent expense was so expensive, so we decided to move out.

We've met about two and half year ago when I just dropped out from Uni and worked in Walmart. My co-worker; James, said that his friend -apparently Brendan- need a flat-mate to help him out with his flat rent. I offered myself, since that time I freeloaded on my friend place.

So yeah, after a brief introduction, Brendan and I decided that we would be good to live together since we had a lot similarity. Then I moved to his place a week after.

Every morning, before going to my workplace, I came by to 'HomeTown' café, where Brendan's working, just to buy a slice of cherry pie and a cup of coffee. But three months later, Brendan said that the barista on HomeTown had resigned and they need a new barista ASAP. And Brendan who I had told that my Dad and Eugene -my older brother- were a barista, asked me to apply the job.

I tried my luck and applied to HomeTown and given a chance by Ryan after I passed the test he gave; testing coffee and made a new coffee menu. And after then, I'm working in HomeTwon café with Brendan; that makes us being closer and being closest friend.


Sorry for mistakes.
Love you all, Lovelies.
See you...

Love Goes On (A Brendan Murray Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora