Karma's A Bitch

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Hi! So, this is my new story, Karma's A Bitch. I have to admit, I spent a while building up the idea in my head. It may not be great, it may be amazing, but atleast I had fun writing the first chapter~!! Also, I would like to write with a partner. If you message me a sample of your writing, I would be glad to read it over.

AND i will be needing a new cover. Thanks for reading~!!!


PS, I'll need an actor/singer for Ash.

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This story is does not revolve around Sparkling italian Vampires and Wolves who take of there shirt off every two minutes, so if thats what you expected, I recommend you turn around.

In this story its all about me, Karma. This story revolves around me and me only. At first thats the opposite of what I wanted. I wanted to be hidden from society. No eyes on me. That was until I was rejected. Rejected by my own mate. Then I realized in order to get what I want, I'd have to fight. Thats when my mate realized....

Karma can be a real Bitch

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"RILEY! GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" I screamed, running down the corridors with a cup full of paint. "YOU RUINED MY FAVOURITE LEATHER JACKET, AND NOW YOUR GOING TO PAY!"

Finally catching up to the red headed monster who splashed green paint on me, I smirked deviously and poured a multitude of colours over his head. Riley shook his black spikes lightly, before glaring at me and reaching out to grab my wrist. Before he could, a wrinkly pale hand extended swiftly towards me and grabbed it harshly. "Karma Evans!!" The loud, authoritive voice bellowed. "My office! Now!"

Brushing a hand through my paint-streaked hair, I smiled cooly, while Riley just frowned. You can't get expelled again. This is the last school in Greensdale. You'll have to move back to Ridge Meadows if your kicked out.'

As I followed Principle Jenkins to his office, I continued talking to Riley. 'I can't. You know he's there. I'm not going.'

All of a sudden, a chorus of un-wanted replies sang out from my pack. Jamie replied with a loud 'She can't leave!' Then Carson growled loudly with a 'He'll hurt her again.', But the comment that silenced everybody, was from Mason.

'Shut up!' He said authoritivley. 'I'll figure it out. Karma, try not to get expelled. Be home on time, no fooling around.'

Looking up, I was just about to Principle Jenkins office when a few giggles errupted from behind me. Spinning around quickly, I searched the crowd for the faces. Spotting three short, twig-like blonde girls, I scowled. "Is something humouring you? Care to share?" I growled lowly. They forze, their faces dropping. "Yeah, thats what I thought..." Turning again, I continued walking. Damn grade eights.....

 Reaching a large, red door, Principle Jenkins opened it fiercley, scowling at me as I walked through the door. I heard it slam as I slid onto a white leather couch. 'So.... What's up Jenkins?"

He sat in a dark leather chair, Folding his hands neatly on top of the desk. "You were sent to me 3 months ago, from Glendale high. Correct?" I nodded, playing with my nails. "And I promised your Uncle I would change you. I would turn you into the good student I know is in you. But, I don't think thats possible. You pull pranks, your failing almost every subject except Gym and  English, and you are influencing the other students around you to be just like you."

Remembering what Mason had said, I sighed internally. "I'll try harder. I'll get a tutor. Just, give me another chance." I pleaded.

"No. I've had enough. I'll let your Uncle deal with your non-sense from now on." Waving me out, he said dissmisivley, "Clear your locker and leave my school."

Groaning, I stood and stomped out of the office and to my locker. Putting in the combination, I looked it it. It was empty, besides my Leather Jacket with the word Bitch embroidered on the left arm, and my bag.

Grabbing them and slamming the locker shut, I slipped my jacket on, and left.

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