Chapter 1: 1

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Part 1

"He's so strange."

"He isn't like us."

"It must suck not having an ability."

People are cruel when their expectations are not met. They all say and chant it's best to be different, but even those who believe that are lying to themselves. People thrive on similarities. If something isn't the same they lose what's most important to them. They hate change because it means something new. New isn't good. It means change. It's unstable and different. Unknown and unrecognizable. It's not safe and solid for them. So that support of knowing breaks down and they're left in the dark. No one accepts what is different. And that's me. I'm different.

Different equals strange and strange equals nervous. How do you react when something is strange? It's strange so therefore not okay. It's not normal and unacceptable.

In my world everyone under the age of twenty-seven have a special ability. It's unsure as to why, but something in our genome must have changed. Something must have mutated or changed our chemical make up. Whatever it is scientists are still trying to figure. Of course this new discovery was strange and weird at first. The older kids never got along with the younger kids all that much because of their strange abilities that set them apart from the rest. But shortly, as more and more of the younger generation aged and more of them existed, it became the norm. It was normal to see someone walking around as a teenager running at the speed of sound or being able to accurately describe future events. IT was all just so normal.

That's why when my life faded away and my classmates discovered I didn't have super powers, this happened. I was alienated and ignored. I was strange and unknown to them. I confused them. Everyone had these special abilities so why the hell was I left without? That's a question I and just about everyone around me asks. What makes me so different? I really couldn't tell you. It's still unknown as to why children are born with these powers to begin with. It'd be equally as difficult to figure out why I was born without special magical powers.

But, you know, I'm still human. I'm just as vulnerable to death as the older generation. That's where my story starts. In a little cafe I own with a request from a teacher at Akayami high.

Chapter 1: The School's Witch

"We don't take private cases." I told her with a fairly bored expression. My arms and legs were crossed, not to look intimidating but because this woman intimidated me and I get antsy around people anyway. She had one of those authoritative personalities where she usually gets what she wants because she scares the absolute shit out of everyone. "Sorry." I prepared to stand up and go back behind the counter before she could jump me or something, but she was faster than I had anticipated.

She grabbed onto my wrist and looked pitifully into my eyes. "Please. I am at my witts end with these kids. None of them listen to me or the other teachers. They think just because they have some special abilities they can get away with anything."

"If everyone there is so confident in their abilities they can find this witch themselves, can't they?" I asked, forcefully swallowing down my fear of this woman. Let's be honest, I'm looking at the school witch right now.

"They're on her side, I know it." She looked to the side in disgust and refocused back on my eyes. "Everytime we try to find her someone ruins the search."

I frowned at her, sitting back down in the hopes that she'd let go of my hand. She did not. "What exactly makes this person such a problem?"

"I don't know how she does it, but everyone keeps getting A's on their tests."

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