The Boy of the Barricade

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   The boy woke up with a start. He looked around the room he was in. It was a hospital, he expected as much. One moment he was at the barricades fighting with Enjorlas and Mabeuf, and even Monsieur Leblanc. And the next moment he was knocked out by a piece of the falling barricade. It looks like one of the ABC brought me here... I wish he had brought me home though. This bed is so uncomfortable, thought the boy. 

   He got up and looked at the time, it was 11:37pm... June, 6 1832. Only one day? Where is everybody is Jean or Marius here? Where could they have gone? The boy exits the room and walks down the hall of the hospital.

   He hears a noise and stops, two men are talking. " Take this to the Parisian Prefect of Police, it has some of my most thought out ideas for prison life and treatment," a very sulked man said. "I will Inspector, but where are you headed on a night such as this?" responded a young delivery boy. "I am... going out to thing about... things... don't tell anyone of my location... I need some time alone boy." "Will do Inspector Javert, will do!" responded the delivery boy.

   The boy then watched the Inspector exit where they were talking though a very unused door. The delivery boy then walked down the hall, and the boy asked, "What happened to the men at the barricade? Did they win? Do we have revolution?" The delivery boy looked him over and said, "Only about three or so hours ago the National Guard finished them off, there will be no revolution today... I'm sorry."

   The delivery boy them walked down the hall and was soon out of sight. The boy walked slowly back to his room and finally was at the door, and was about to go in when the delivery boy appeared from the hall and said, "You weren't a member of the revolution were you?" The boy looked at the ground for a minute and said, "God didn't give me the honor of dying with them." The boy then went back to his room, went into bed, and closed his eyes. That night he didn't dream of anything... there wasn't a single star in the sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2013 ⏰

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