Chapter 1

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We was backstage waiting to go on stage while our fans was yelling OMG over & over again oh how I loved my fans.I loved going on tour cause that means more time away from Daniel,but sadly today was the Last Day & i had mixed emotions I didn't want to go back home to Danny cause all he does is beats me for stupid reasons shit I can drop a spoon & he'll slap me & sometimes he just beats me cause he feels like it.& I don't see why I got to live like this.I can't tell nobody cause Thats put my life & whoever I tell life at risk.

It was now our time to go on stage,it was pitch black & I was the first one to walk out,followed by Bre,& than everyone's favorite,the one that everyone loved the most,the one that I've known for years & who has the voice if an Angel...Bahja,Bahja was the lead singer every night she would get on stage & kill it like mutha fucker & I was just enrage feeling like a mutha fucker..All 3 of us were on stage by our mics,Waiting for the lights to flash on us.The Purple light flashed on Bre while she danced than it cut of & the Blue light flashed on me while I danced than it cut off & the Pink light flashed on Bahja who was in the middle of Me & Bre,Bahja started singing her part of our song Can't Stop Loving You & the crowd just went wild louder than they was for Me & Bre,While Me & Bre just stood there watching Bee in her spotlight.Than the course came & My Blue light & Bre's Purple light came back on while we started singing the course with Bahj.

We was finishing up our last song which was Incredimazable as we was sang the song we all ran to the front of the stage & grabbed a couple of people's hands & waved & blew kisses to our fans,than we went back to the top of the stage & thanked Everyone who had came tonight than the lights cut off as we mad our way off the stage.

When we got back backstage we had to go change our clothes.I changed into my sweats & my 'Baddie' shirt with my black Jordan Grapes.The fans who had V.I.P passes had asked to take pictures with us or of us.One fan had asked to take a picture with me & Ray Ray from MB i was kind of hesitant at first cause Daniel doesn't like me being around Other boys or taking pics with them cause one time a fan had asked to take a picture With all of us MB & OMG Daniel got jealous & beat me badly cause he said I was to close to Ray & my butt was pushed up on him.I didn't like to disappoint my fans so I said fuck it it's just a picture,He put his arm around my shoulders like both he always does with everyone & I raped one arm around his waist & the other on my hip as she snapped the picture.I talked & took more pictures with the fans & as I was talking to one of my fans she had said something that really got me,"I want to live just like you someday your life is so perfect & you have a wonderful boyfriend a bet he treats you right"she had said to me I felt heart broken cause these kids keep saying they want to be like me & my life is anything but perfect.I just smiled at her & hugged her & said awe.

As we were walking to the our bus I heard somebody yelling Sexy Face Aye Niq I turned around & there stood Princeton I wondered what he wanted cause it was paparazzi out here & I don't want them to get the wrong thought cause Prince is over here yelling Sexy Face."Sexy Face you left your Bag backstage here"he said giving me my bag "Thank you & why you over here yelling Sexy Face & it's all these people & paparazzi"I asked laughing a little while walking to the bus "Cause that's your name now bye Sexy Face I gotta get going tell my PeacePal to text me & tell Bre I said Hey" he said running off to his bus as the fans yelled & screamed.

I walked to the back of our bus to see Lourdes & Kels laying on the couch on they phones while Bre was in her bunk knocked out & Bahj was in my Bunk watching TV I climbed in & watches TV with her."Im so happy Tour is over I finally get to go home to my cozy bed"she said to me."Honestly I love being on tour I hate being home"I said thinking about Daniel "You don't miss Danny Wanny"Bahj asked "of course I do i just ..It's nothing"I said fake smiling I know why I don't want to go home but i pray someday that God will get me away from Dan.Bee looked at me like I was crazy "What"I asked making a high pitched voice."You something bad happening between you to"She questioned I tried my best to not to make it obvious "No Bee everything is fine he treats me like a Queen"I say trying to get the conversation over "Mmhhkay but if there was anything bad happening you would tell me right?"she asked "Of course I would dont I always,& Prince said text him"I said fake smiling.She said okay & dropped it & left out my bunk.

I unlocked my phone & clicked on my IG & seen that a couple of people tagged me into stuff.As I was scrolling down my notifications I seen that the girl who took the pic of me & Ray tagged us to it & the caption said "I got to meet @StarQuality & @RayTrendyMe today😘Best Day Ever".I smiled & liked the picture & commented "Awe it was nice meeting you to love💙😘".Than I exited out of the app & logged on to twitter & seen that people was tripping over the 'Sexy Face' thing so I decided to let them know wassup.!

@Niq_OMG:Lol guys it's not that serious me & Princeton called eachother 'Sexy Face' from the first day we met.Plus I already have a Boo😘

I than logged off of twitter & was Finna doze off till my phone wrung.

Daniel❤:So we call people Sexy Face now?.So we talke pictures with other Niggas now all lovey dovey & shit okay Just wait till you get home😘Gotta Anotha Thing Comin Ma😂

Sorry if its short I'm writing on my Phone😒But I put a few emojis in the story you can only see them if you have an Apple Product😊

•Tell Me What Chu Think

•I feel sorry for Niq

•Is Daniel going to beat her or...

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•Remember that this is a short story so it's only gonna have a few chapters depending on how long I write the chapters.

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