" You're right. I'll go out with you guys tonight and have a great time."

"That's the spirit. Now I gotta go to my match see you after."

"Okay bye."

I got my ring gear on since raw wants two divas matches tonight. My opponent is Eva Marie, she's a decent wrestler but nothing special.

Trinity's POV:

I came back from my match and went back to where I was sitting with Kassie. She wasn't there I wonder where she went. Maybe she's with Jon and Dave, I don't know but I went to go find out.

" Kassie isn't here, where did she go."

" I have no idea."

Then her music plays on the TV screen. Wait, isn't she pregnant and why the hell is she wrestling. Her match was against Eva Marie, Kassie was doing flips off the top rope,throwing Eva outside the ring and jumping off the apron and top role towards the end of her match. Dave, Jon and I were looking at each other like " what the hell is going on." I need to talk to her once she come backstage. Kassie won her match, I left the room to meet her out side of the gorilla.

" Great job on your match."

" Thanks."

" I need to talk to you later maybe after we go out tonight."

" Sure, we can talk later."

Later that night...


Everyone was ready to go out to this restaurant/club type place a few miles away from the arena and the hotel. Everyone was having a good time. After we went out we all went back to the hotel. John, Nikki, Brie, Paige all went back to their rooms and the rest of us wanted to hang out for a while in Trinity's and Jon's hotel room. The boys and my mom were all in the living room playing some video game. Trinity and I were in the kitchen.

" So what did you need to talk about Trin?."

" Well, What the hell were you doing in the ring tonight? I thought you're pregnant."

I stayed silent, now I have to tell her.

" Promise you won't tell Dwayne."

" I promise."

" I had a miscarriage just last night before I flyed here."

I lost it, Trinity was the first person I told. I was going to tell Dwayne afterwards but I don't think he would care. I was breaking down into tears, I feel like I caused this to happen. I got so upset after I told Dwayne I was pregnant and he just wanted me for a hookup pretty much.

" Kassie, I'm so sorry. You should of called me. I would of been there for you."

" I know you would Trinity. I was just too scared to say anything to anyone."

Dave's POV:

I was in the living room playing a video game with Jon and Dwayne. I looked back at the kitchen area where Trinity and Kassie were. Looks like Kassie is crying so I get up from the couch to see what's wrong.

" Is everything okay?."

" No, um, before I landed here I went to the hospital because there was blood rushing down my leg and I lost my baby."

" I'm sorry. You should of called one of us. You know you can talk to us if anything is wrong."

I gave her a hug because she was really upset about it. I couldn't imagine loosing a child.

" Will you tell Dwayne?."

" Why should I? Look at him and my mom all happy together. He wouldn't care, he never did."

" You should still tell him, after all it was his child you were carrying."

" I'll tell him just not right at this moment."

The four of us ended up going back to our hotel room for the night. Kassie was sitting outside on the balcony just outside the living room. I don't like seeing her sad, it's a damn shame that Dwayne is now messing around with her mom when the one he should be with is outside crying her eyes out because of the loss of their child. He hasn't said a damn word to her since she came back. Not even an ' Are you okay.' He seems like a changed man since I found out he was also talking to Kassie's mom while he was with her.


I'm so scared to tell Dwayne, I don't want to tell him right now. Maybe when my mom leaves and he'll actually pay attention to what I have to say. I go back inside and go to my room. The weird thing is after what Dwayne did to me I still love and want him. I still see the man I fell in love with over time. But I wish he loved me like I do him. No fairytale ending here.

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