Chapter 1 Aftetmath

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The ship some how turned itself as if One Eyed Willy was in control of it. It disappeared into the sunset. They sat on the rocks and just stared, knowing they'd never forget the adventure of a lifetime they just went through. There parents and the reporters stared in disbelief as the ship sailed away. Mr. Walsh knew exactly who that ship belonged too, he just couldn't believe it was true. Soon the reporters started questioning the kids some more and jotted down everything they could before they departed home.
On the way home Mikey rested his head on Brand as there dad asked all sorts of questions about there adventure. Rosalita kept sweeping dirt of of Mikey. He didn't mind. Soon he closed his eyes and went to sleep.
Time passed and they arrived home. Brand carried him in the house and on the couch.
"Oh my babies are home!" Ms. Walsh cried.
"Well ma you said don't come home without your brother." He chucked lightly.
"You think you can clean him up a bit, my arm is-"
"Of course mom." Brand said reliving some of her stress.
Brand went to the kitchen and grabbed some wet rags. He gently began to clean of his face. He couldn't help but think if he'd lost Mikey, he may act tough but the whole adventure he'd dreaded losing his brother, his baby brother, his best friend.
"Willy." Mikey moaned coming back to consciousness.
"No Mikey it's just me Band."
"Oh sorry, I uh didn't get the chance to thank you."
"For what?" Brand asked confused now cleaning his arm.
"For well believing in me, and you saved me a whole lot I probably would've been killed."
"I think it's the other way around, you beleved in me in all of us, and I'm sorry I was such I hard ass, or am a hard ass, it's just I love ya Mikey and I don't want to see you get hurt."
"I know Brand, I love you too. Oh and Andy I'm sorry I kissed her."
"It's fine she told me it was her fault, but now we can say we both had our first kiss with the same girl haha."
"Wait Andy was your first kiss Brand?"
"But your so-"
"Cool, hu yeah right I'm not the popular type."
"Put you got the looks the muscle, all I got is my braces and inhaler, which I left at the beach, good thing I have another."
"Mikey stop. You're just as cool as me, I started working out because of what people at school said. But then I realized I didn't care what they said, it hurt but it didn't matter, and look Im with Andy now and any girl would be lucky to have you."
"Ok boys, while I help Rosalita cook dinner go change and wash up properly." There mother hollered from the kitchen.
"Carry me?" Mikey puppy dogged.
"Haha funny. Come on." Brand said helping him up. "Hey looks like we got some new neighbors down the block." He said glancing out the window.

* * *

"Welcome home!" A man said opening the front door.
"Home." A teenaged girl murmured.

* * *

*Later that night

The boys entered there room with relief. There beds looked so good right now. Brand stripped to his boxers and plopped onto his bed. Mikey just took his bottoms off he wasn't as confident to go shirtless.
"Night Mikey." Brand yawned.
"Night Brand." Mikey said closing his eyes, he could stop thinking about Willy.

"Willy!" Mikey called as he charged to the pirate.
"Michael you did good me boy, I'm proud." He said hugging him.
"Oh Willy I miss you already I had so much fun!"
"I warn you boyo it's not over yet. You may have found me treasure but there's a darkness here. You need to stop it!"
"What, the Fertellies were arrested."
"Not them something much worse."
"Willy I'm confused?"
"I must go but here," Mikey opened his hand and he gave him a ring.
Mikey looked down at the ring and before he could ask more Willy was gone.
It was Brand.
He ran over to see him tied up, and he looked as if he got beaten up.
"MIKEY!" He turned to see the fellow Goonies Mouth, Chunk, Data, Stef, and Andy in the same condition.
"What's happening! Willy!"
"Prevent the future by saving the past!" He's voice echoed.

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