Butler!Eren x Master!Reader

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He walked towards the master bedroom, where his mistress would've been. The sound of the sole of his shoes banging on the marble floor echoed through the hallway. His glimmering eyes were fixed on his hand as he tighten the strap of his white gloves. Once he was finished, he went back to his straight posture and continued his track.

He came to a halt. Before him, stood a large oak door with roses carved on it. He let a smile featured on his handsome face, and proceeded to enter the room.

"Good morning, milady."

He had parted the curtains, allowing some rays of sunshines slip into the room. The young lady let out a sound of protest.

She wasn't a morning person, but she had to be up early and do usual things the nobles do. She never asked for this kind of life. Waking up early in the morning, having people to do things for you, go to fancy balls that were held by famous earls from time to time. Born as a noble's daughter, she got nothing to do but to live it.


She mumbled as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. Sitting up, she heard the man spoke.

"Where would you like to have your morning tea?"

She slowly opened her eyes. Greeted by a pair of emerald ones that belong to a man that stood next to her. He had his right hand placed on his heart and the other laid on his side. And also a warm smile on his face.

Looking ahead, she replied.

"I am having it on the garden. I am in need of some fresh air."

"Very well, milady."

She sat on the edge of her bed. Her butler bent down to her level, slowly pulling the bow of her nightgown. She didn't like the idea of someone doing the smallest things for her such as undressing and changing. Beside that, it was a male who was doing that for her. Her cheeks felt warm. Eventhough she had been in the same situations for the past years, she couldn't help but become flustered when she felt his body close to hers. She grasped his hand, which made the man look up to her beautiful orbs.

"I can do this on my own, I will see you shortly."

The butler stood up, took a couple of steps back, and bowed to her.

"Yes, milady."

The young lady nodded her head. Once he was out of her sight, she let her right arm resting on the left part of her chest. She felt the rapid beating of her heart.

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Her fingers gripped on the handle of the cup filled with steaming tea. She brought it to her lips slowly. Drinking the sweet beverage, the liquid sent warmth all over her body. She sighed, putting the cup down on its rightful spot.

Just as she was about to close her eyes, one of her maid spoke up.

"Good morning, milady."

Her maid bowed. She nodded, as a sign for the maid to continue.

"I am here to inform you that Earl Kirschtein will be visiting our estate. Mrs. (L/n) sent me to assist you for your preparations."

The young lady breathed out. It seemed like her mother never grew tired on finding her a future bethrothed. Indeed, she was in the right age to get involved in a marriage. But she wanted to find the righ one by her own. Her dream was to marry a man that she loves and loves her truly afterall.

"Alright. I am in your assistance, Brauss."


As the maid was busy styling her hair, the young lady couldn't help but let her mind wonder about her butler.

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