Chapter 2 Master Damion

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Why did that nightmare have to end it was getting to the best part, I still don't know why She was in there, I mean why her of all people. I still had my eyes closed when I felt something warm beside me, I know exactly what that was.

"Paige!" I said without opening my eyes. "Yes master Damion." Knew it. "Why the hell are you in my bed....AGAIN!" I yelled.

"Uh." "And you better have a good reason this time." It took her awhile to respond, that mean's she didn't have a good reason. I opened my eyes to be staring right at her. "Well I'm waiting!" I said impatiently. "Uh well my room was cold!"

"SO! You have a heater in your room!" "Yeah but it wasn't good I thought that I would come and snuggle up next to you because your warm! Your body heat is so nice, your practically a heater yourself." I rolled my eyes and stared at her.

You know that saying that you stare at a person for so long you can see into their soul? Well I have that power I'm looking at her soul right now and it's telling me. "Your lying!" I said with a straight unamused face. "No I'm not!" I just looked at her, how can she expect me to trust her if she keeps lying to me!

"Paige I know your lying to me." She stayed silent. "God, how do you know when I lie and I don't! you always know!" "Of course I know, now why aren't you here!" I pushed. "Well can't I just sit here and cuddle with the man I love!" "NO!" I said. "Well to bad!" she said hugging my waist tightly. "Let go!" I said.

"No! never!" her grip tightened. I still don't get it, how does she not see that I'm not in to her like I used to be, but then again she is blinded by love, that's why I don't love anyone it's just a weakness.

But there is only one way to make her let go. I caressed her checks to make her look at me and I kissed her. I felt her grip loosen a bit and I took advantage of that. I flipped her over and she landed on the floor.

"OW!" she screamed. "That's what you get let this be your final warning about coming in here." I walked out of my room and put on my hood. I walked to the breakfast hall to see all my followers eating slop.

Every Kingdom I struck I have taken 5 people with a some what magical talent. And so far I have struck 6 out of the 10 kingdoms. They were all socializing which made me a bit happy they would have to work together. I only took people the age of 16-20.

I smirked and snapped my fingers and the breakfast slop they were eating changed into a breakfast buffet. They all faced me and immediately stood up. "Good morning master Damion!" they all said in unison.

I smirked they already knew the routine and they have only been here for almost 3 months. "I see you are all well rested." "Yes master!" "Good well finish your breakfast and get back to your daily routine!"

"Yes master." "Oh and don't think that this will happen again, this is a onetime thing! Got it!?" "Yes Master Damion!" they all went back to eating. I left the room and trained most of the day.

While I was training I started to think about my past, then I started to get angry I abandoned everything because of the light, it made my dark heart light it made me leave everything and everyone I once cared for. I promised myself that I would never change for anyone or anything!

I promised myself that I would never become like them never become good and abusing their tittle to make other people bow at their feet and tell them what to do, well I'm going to take charge, I'm going to earn my way to the top by making people fear me. They will all fear me, the six Kingdoms that I attacked all fear me and I have them under my thumb!

They do as I say when I say it! It feels nice to be in power but it's not enough I want complete and utter control over everything I want all the Kingdoms on the chain. I would have had it if I hadn't been taken in by the light I would have been King already!

The Crystal Heir Vol.2 The King Of DeathWhere stories live. Discover now