Imagine Liam ( One Direction)

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Imagine Liam

You finshed with school and you waithing for the bus a boy around you age go sit beside you and asks when the bus comes and by the way my name is liam , you say about 5 mins and you reply by saying y/n and nice to meet you liam, nice to meet you too, liam say finally bus has arrived, liam stap first in the bus and go, you loock for a sit, but everthinh was fall, you saw the laim wave to you, if you want you can sit on my lap, his say. Aww that is realy nice, is is realy okay for you, you aks. Yea, why not. You go sit on his lap for the jounregs and talk about family and friends. You stand up and you the exit and say goodbye to Liam, Liam run to you and kiss you on the cheek and give you a little paper in your hand you look at it an notice his phone number you blush and say your goodbyes. Ever since you have meet Liam at the bus stop you have texted non stop and made many dates and not long after you were dating and had a wonderful family and lived happily ever after <3

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