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Video: Drown by Bring Me The Horizon cause Oli Sykes is an adorable little fuck.

Picture: Highschool!Sterek because it literally may be my favorite sterek au ever. I also think young snarky Derek Hale is so

Words: 2124

"Get up loser we're going shopping." I heard Lydia say bursting into my room.

We have been here for almost 3 months and nothing, not one thing leading us to the Hale Pack. (Okay yes I realize the time skip and yes I made it that long to get to lots more sterek so you're welcome) 

"You do realize we have school, right?" I asked.

"Yes but today happens to be senior ditch day." Lyds said.

"News flash, we my good friend aren't seniors." I replied not getting up out of my bed.

"What time is it anyway?"

"According to my timing it is currently 6:30 in the morning and yes I do realize we are not seniors but no one goes to school that day, not even the teachers." She said. "Stilinski you better get out of bed now before I go and burn every flannel in your closet."

I also have to have that last name while living here so the pack doesn't run when they hear the Winchesters are in town. That comment Lyds just made is the exact reason she scares me. The first time I didn't believe her, she literally played it off like everything was cool and I didn't have to go but then she brought a match in my room and lit one on fire. That was the day I stopped underestimating Lydia Martin.

"Okay I'm up just don't go all demon psycho on me." I said.  She literally scares me more than most demons.

"I'm taking you shopping my dear friend because literally all you have in that filthy closet of yours is flannel and merch. That's not healthy for a guy of your age." She said.

"I sometimes wonder if you know my family at all." I told her throwing on a random shirt.

"Are you seriously wearing sweatpants and a black shirt out the house?"

"Basically we're not doing anything where I have to put effort into my clothing right?" I asked.

"No but still I'd prefer nice clothing. I mean at least put on jeans and one of those ridiculous plaid things." She said sighing and walking out the room. So that's what I did put on jeans that smelled clean and  went downstairs.

"Oh yeah I totally forgot to tell you this but Jo is coming out here to stay with us for a while." Dean said.

"What time is she supposed to get here?" I said urgently.

"In about 1 hour." he said.

"You and Sam can't go get her?" I asked.

"Nope sorry we have to meet up with Chris today." He said.

"Sorry Lyds I gotta get a friend from the airport today." I told her.

"Well I can just go with you." She said.
"If this friend dresses anything like you we need to take both of you hardcore shopping."

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