"I'm glad I made ya work for it. But seriously, you deserved that win."


"Listen. I know I've apologized to you, but I really hope one day you can forgive me for what I did to you. I really am sorry & regret it so much. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about it. I hope one day I can make amends for it, somehow."

I took in a deep breath as I looked at the floor

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I took in a deep breath as I looked at the floor. "You know I'm trying to forgive you. Don't think I'm not. Maybe one day I can." I smirked at him.

"I will be grateful if that happens. And then maybe you can get Demi to forgive me." He hung his head, briefly.

"Well, she's pretty stubborn." I grinned, with my eyebrows up & he nodded, his eyes wide, like he knew exactly what I meant. "Anyway, she's waiting for me, since I gave away my ride home. I should go."

"You gave your car back to Chuck, huh?" He asked & I nodded. "So... are you & Demi back together?"

"No. We're just trying to be friends right now." I replied & Wilmer nodded. "See ya later." I turned & headed out of the arena. I walked down the stairs, pulling my phone out since I didn't see Demi's car, waiting. I looked around & saw there wasn't a car in sight. I squinted, looking toward the lot Demi said she parked in & it looked like her car in the distance, so I started walking toward it. Maybe she got held up or forgot she said she'd drive to the doors. I thought I heard a door shut behind me, so I turned around, but didn't see anything.

 I thought I heard a door shut behind me, so I turned around, but didn't see anything

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I put my phone back in my pocket, then adjusted my bag on my shoulder. Next thing I knew, someone was grabbing me from behind, choking me as they pulled me to the ground. I clawed at the arm that was around me, trying to get them to let go enough so I could breathe. Another person came into my view & stared down at us. I managed to free my arm enough & elbowed the guy, under me, in the side & his grip loosened, letting me roll to freedom. I gasped for air, then felt a blow to the side of my face. I felt a kick to my side, then rolled away, trying to catch my bearings. I didn't have long to do that, though, because one of the guys was grabbing my sweatshirt, trying to pull me toward him. It started to rip, so I slipped out of it & crawled away.

Surrender to Love (Sequel to A Fighting Chance- Nemi)Where stories live. Discover now