Chapter 4

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 "Doctor, wake up."

The Doctor felt someone nudge his side and his eyes flew open in surprise. It was Donna. He appeared to have fallen asleep while sitting on one of the chairs in the TARDIS console room and was slouched in an uncomfortable position for a few hours, at least.

"Whoops," he mumbled as he sat up and stretched. His back would probably hurt for the rest of the day because of this mistake.

"Don't you have a bed?" Donna asked, once again surprised that he could take care of himself on his own.

"Yeah, I do, actually," he said disdainfully. "Must've drifted off while testing a few things. I sure hope I wasn't in the middle of something." An exposed wire caught his eye and he held out his hand to keep Donna away. "Hold on," he said, before fixing it back into its rightful place.

"So what's on the agenda today?"

"Now that the sonic's up and running we can go looking for that man who's bumbling about in time. You ready?"

"I never am, really," she shrugged as she followed him along the rails to lead them out. "Are you?"

"Probably not," he admitted. "Oh well!" With that, he began to rush toward the school at a brisk pace with which Donna couldn't keep up unless she broke into a jog as well.

The two arrived at the school and immediately hid behind a tree so the time criminal wouldn't see them. True, he wasn't exactly a criminal in terms of time, but since he was the one killing students and he could time travel, that made him a time criminal in the Doctor's eyes. Sure enough, he was there, but he was just standing off to the side and wasn't doing anything to the students besides bringing suspicion to their minds and causing their comfort to turn into uneasiness as they entered the private school.

The Doctor used his sonic screwdriver to see the traces of time travel all over the man so that he could track him once he disappeared. The sonic was connected directly to the TARDIS, so all they had to do was go back to it and they would instantly travel wherever and whenever the man appeared next.

Sure enough, as soon as he spotted the Doctor and Donna hiding, he disappeared. The shocked expression on his face turned ghastly as his body faded from existence.

"Come on!" the Doctor shouted as he ran back to the TARDIS. "We've got him now!" The two friends bolted back to the time traveling machine in excitement. However, once they reached the halfway point toward it, someone bumped into them.

"You two!" a woman said as they collided, then took her wallet out of her pocket and held it up for them to see. "I'm from the local police department. I just saw you hanging out around the school."

"Oh, well," the Doctor began, knowing how this might appear. "We were dropping off our Timothy to school here-"

"That's crap and you know it," she snapped. "And I know you didn't do anything wrong. I just wanted to ask you a few questions about the man you've been snooping on."

"Oh, you noticed?" the Doctor said, trying not to sound suspicious nor like he knew what was going on. A few things about her alerted him that she wasn't quite telling them the truth.

"We at the Hammond Police Department need to know anything you have to report on that man," she stated. "My name is Emma Zendrick and I'm the head detective in our department."

"Well, maybe our information would help you if you tell us what you already know," Donna suggested.

"Yeah, we surely don't know everything, especially the history," the Doctor agreed.

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