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Tenth grade. Riley hadn't seen Maya since eighth.
She was confirmed dead in ninth when they found the remains of a body and incorrectly matched it with Mayas. Riley was walking around the park with her family as it snowed outside. They all sipped their hot chocolate. An old tradition. They sat down on the bench together and sat in silence as Auggie made snowballs and threw them at the tree to contain his boredom. Riley saw a girl walking down the path. She was short and had slightly strawberry blond hair and a black button down jacket on with snow resting on it as well as in her hair.
"What's wrong, Riley?" Asked Cory.
"I just thought that I saw Maya again."
"I know, I know, she's gone. I need to accept it." They looked at where she was looking.
"Will it help if we ask her her name?" Riley nodded as the girl got very close to them.
"Um, miss?" Asked Topanga. The girl stopped and turned to them. Riley stood up.
"Maya. It is you." The girl took a step back, looking confused but slightly surprised.
"What's your name?"
"Oh. I'm sorry. I thought you were someone else."
"Ya, but she passed away."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"You sound just like her."
"Guess it's just a coincidence. Maybe we're somehow related."
"Does the name hart or clutterbucket mean anything to you."
"Clutter- what now?" She said, acting. Riley laughed.
"Are you from arounds here?"
"Just moved here."
"Do you go to Abigal Adams high school?"
"Ya, I start next week."
"Oh, you must be Sophia Reed. The new student." Said Cory, standing up and putting his hand out.
"I'm your new history teacher, Mr.Matthews." She shook his hand.
"Well, I'll see you on Monday, then." And she walked away. They sat back down.
"I know what you're thinking, Riley." Began Topanga.
"You just have to assume that I think that's her. I told you, I know that she's dead!" Tears began to leak from her eyes. Cory wrapped his arms around her. "That girl was just like her. How am I supposed to get through the rest of the year."
"You're not alone, Riley. Usually once you get to know someone, you notice what truly sets them aside from other people. As you get to know her, it will becomes more clear that she is not Maya."
"I wish it was."
"We all do."

Not really, fully, exactly dead (gmw/Lucaya)Where stories live. Discover now