Chapter Three

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John and I always got selected for the All Star traveling soccer team. It was a team of 18 players selected from 14 different teams.

We would travel as far as five hours away for some of our games and we won most of them. Lets just say I have a lot of trophy's.

I remember one time when we traveled out of town for a day of games and during one of our breaks my mom took us to another town to eat lunch. We came across this house that was giving away puppies. My mom let me get one and John got one without asking either of his parents.

We get back to where the games were and we show Johns dad his puppy. He wasn't very happy but John got to keep it. I named mine Shaggy and he named his Scooby.

We ended up winning 3-4 games so we still advanced.

Once we got back to our home town we couldn't wait to show his mom the new member of the family. She had a better reaction than his dad. So we were content.

John had three sisters. His twin sister was my sisters friend. But they weren't as close as John and I were. Which is good. I didn't want to stay the night at Johns house and find out my sister was too.

We acted as though nothing could separate us. We had all the same classes. The same lunch period. The same friends. We did everything together. I even told him one day, "John, you're like my brother. And I'm glad we're friends." He just smiled and said "Same to you man!"

Everything was going good in my life until that one day came.

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