The Crime Scene

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   Hello everyone I ask that you go back and reread the first chapter if you read it before February 29 bc I changed something that is important to later in the story. Now back to the book.

I went back home disappointed once agian because I was to late. I have to figure out a way to save people's lives without exposing myself. So thats when I started my research. I first researched the Precognitives and what police stations had strong information about it and ruled those out. I then with the one left I looked for a cop with a strong record so somthing wouldn't be suspicious to who was in charge and to keep my secret safe. That was when I found detective Vega. She is an experienced detective known as one of the best in Washington D.C. I also found out that she is working on the case with the lady who was pushed out of the window. So I started to come up with a plan.

Dect. Vega's POV

Interviewer: So Detective Vega please tell me everything from the beginning.

   "Lenses show me all of the evidence found." I said.

Then all pieces of evidence appeared in my lenses. There was the body 12 stories down with fingerprints that arent hers which indicated a struggle. There were also many pairs of foot prints of the same shoe. But the victim wasn't wearing shoes so it must be the murder's. I was taking nite of everything and I heard a sound in a cabinet under the sink. I went to check it out. I removed my gun out of its holster ready to fire. I slowly opened the cabinet pointed my gun inside, only to find a small girl which I was left to only guess it was the victim's daughter.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2016 ⏰

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