19: Meeting Mother

Start from the beginning

"Now this is my own brew!" She explained "I would make it all the time when Draco was little! It was his favorite! It's a mix of a bunch of things but basically it's a Earl Grey base... Then I add dried apple slices and a touch of dried cranberries. Once their altogether I put them in tea bags and brew in all the time!" She explained to me.

"Wow, that's amazing!" I smiled taking a sip "Oh my Merlin! It's fantastic!"

"I'm glad you like it" She said sipping her tea.

"When I was little I asked Mother to make it all the time" Draco smiled drinking it "I love this tea"

"He would practically beg for it!" She laughed.

"Well I can see why" I nodded.

While talking I totally forgot that I was tortured a few rooms over... I felt like I was just, meeting my boyfriend's Mother... Which was exactly what I was doing, and I was highly enjoying it.

After a while of talking there was a knock at the door...

"I'll get it" She said getting up, placing her tea of the coffee table.

As she left I stiffened slightly, worried about who might show up.

Draco put his hand on my knee "It's alright" He looked at me with those sweet, loving, strong gray eyes. I nodded and put my hand over his that rested on my knee.

"I'm sorry Hermione... I shouldn't have made you come" He sighed.

"You didn't make me, you asked me and I chose to" I told him.

"Details, details!" He scoffed.

I smiled.

"You know what I mean though... I shouldn't have tried to get you to come... I know this place brings back bad memories, I'm sorry"

"Draco, I'm fine... I'm glad I came, your Mother is lovely and I'm so glad I got to meet her. I'm really truly okay... I promise" I nodded at him and kissed his cheek.

He smiled down at me.

When Narissa returned she was followed by Balsie from school.

"Oi mate" Balsie smiled as he walked in.

"Balsie! Thank for being here mate" Draco stood.

"Ah, Hermione, I know we never got to known each other much in the past but please, skip last names, I'm Balsie" He smiled at me.

I smiled, standing as well "Wonderful, Balsie, I'm glad we can be friends" I nodded.

"Of how lovely" Narissa smiled "Now, everyone has gathered outside... It's a small group but I'm glad it is" She said softly and let us out. She handed us all umbrellas because now it was raining a bit harder.

Draco and I shared an umbrella, other's had brought their own, like Balsie. There was about ten people in all, including me, Draco, Narissa and Balsie. Others were people I didn't really recognize except for Balsie's mother and father. As we sat listening to the Minister say his words Draco's arm tightened around the small of my back. I looked up at him and leaned into him, putting my outer hand on his chest.

"Narissa, Draco, do you want to say anything?" The minister asked.

Narissa shook her head solemnly.

Draco tightened his grip around me more, shaking his head once quickly. I could tell he was in pain.

After the funeral Draco and I went to Narissa.

"Mother, I'm afraid we must go back to Hogwarts... Hopefully we will come over Christmas break" He told her.

"Okay dear, thank you for coming! You too Hermione, what a pleasure!" She hugged us both.

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