“What was he doing to you?” asked Vince

“Vince he was not doing anything!”

“Clary, you were on his back. I can bet you did not get on his back willingly. He probably did something to get you on his back. So tell me what did he do?”

“Vince, trust me, we were just hanging out. Allen really did not do anything to me. We were just joking around.” I said getting a little annoyed.

“Hanging out? Are you kidding me? I mean you hated this kid yesterday and now all of a sudden you both are best friends?” Said Vince, his sky blue eyes red with anger.

“Vince! Calm down.” I said taking a step towards away from him. This was really weird. Why is Vince acting so possessive?

“I am sorry Clary; I really didn’t mean to scare you. It’s just that the thought of anymore hurting you, just scares me.”

“I understand Vince, but trust me, I will always ask for your help if I need it.” I said smiling.

Vince finally let out a relived sigh of breath.

“Clary I actually wanted to talk to you.”

“Uhh..okay.” I said a little nervous. Not liking his tone.

“Clary the moment I saw you I felt this weird attraction towards you. I can’t even explain it. I mean no girl has made me feel this way. More importantly I have never been so protective about anyone. I just can’t keep it in anymore. I need to let you know, that, that, I really really like you.” He whispered the last part.

I just stood there dumbfounded, not really sure on how to react. Okay, Clary say something. This is the same Vince you thought was super cute when you dropped his hot chocolate on him. Same Vince who saved you from Allen. Allen. I wonder what he would think of this.

“Clary can you please say something, the silence is killing me.” He said looking at the floor his face as red as a tomato.

“Vince, I have always loved you as a friend. I really don’t want to break your hurt by saying no, but can you please just give me some more time? You know to think about all this.”

“Sure.” He whispered. “I’ll drop you off to your room. Oh wait, you were called at the office at least 10 times today. I think you should go check what the receptionist wants.”

The office? Was I in trouble? I didn’t do anything wrong. Not that I know of.

I just smiled at him and walked away towards the office. The whole time I thought about Vince. I just don’t understand what’s going on in my head right now. I mean Vince is such a nice guy. He is caring, helpful not to forget unrealistically good looking. But what is it that’s stopping me from saying yes to him?

I knew the answer deep within, but I would never admit to it. I would never admit that it was Allen that was causing a hindrance between my relationship with Vince.

I hate it myself for this. A guy who treated me like shit, just because he was nice to me and I saw a completely different side of him today does not mean I’m in love with him.

He is just a player, a womanizer. Nothing else.

Finally I made it to the office, I really couldn’t get my mind to shut off for a second.

“Was I called to the office?”

“yes you were indeed, your cousin I believe dropped a couple of things off for you.”


“Just give me a second.” She said walking towards a room in the office.

After a minute or two she returned with a black gift bag.

“There you go.”

“Thanks.” I smiled and turned away.

I opened my bag and saw a brand new Blackberry in it. In addition to that there was a velvet box in the bag. If I wasn’t in a such a horrible mood I would be jumping in the middle of the hallway at this moment.

Next, I opened the velvet box. OMG car keys? Keys to my new car? My car? My personal car?


EEEEKKS I shouted in the middle of the hallway. Forgetting all the drama in my life. I ran outside to take a look at my car.

There it was a shiny black sleek Mercedes.

I have to call and thank my parents.

I happily skipped to my room and saw Fiona and Angie sitting on their beds.

“Hey where were you?”

“Oh, Uh..I was out with Allen, he owed me something.”

“WHAT?” They both yelled in unison

“Are you stupid Clary? This is the same guy who is trying to ruin your life.” Said an extremely pissed Fiona.

“Ya ya I know. But you know what I don’t want to talk about it anymore. I’m off to sleep. Peace out.”

“Wait what? You can’t just go to sleep. We need details.”

“Gosh you guys, it was nothing special. He just brought me a milkshake like he was supposed to.” I said hoping they wouldn’t find out I was totally lieing.

“Oh but I do have some interesting news, my parents finally got me a new phone and a new car.”

“No way!”

“yes way and it’s a brand new Mercedes.”

“I am so jealous.” Said Angie

“Oh common what’s mine is yours.” I said walking towards the washroom to change into my pj’s.

When I finally made it to my bed, I started to think about the various things that happened today. How will I face Vince tomorrow? What am I supposed to say to him? But the most important question in my mind was if Allen and I would ever connect like we did today.

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