"I don't think anyone can do that. At least not parting a whole sea." Alec said trying not to offend me. I still wanted to try so I walked down to the beach. I tried to start small because if I were able to part an ocean I'm sure we would get caught by a Buzzot on another shore.

There was a crater in the sand that was about as big as a small lake just to the right of where we were sitting so I decided I'd start by parting that. I imagined the water splitting right down the middle and as I imagined it it worked.

"Thats nothing! You've moved more water that that before!" Alec called from where he was sitting. So I walked to the ocean shore. I can do this. Part it till I can't see it anymore. I closed my eyes and imagined the whole ocean parting at least half a mile wide and as far as possible. I opened my eyes to see nothing. I guess it really is impossible to move that much water. Hiding my frustration I walked back to Alec.

"Party is in an hour and a half. We should get going." He said getting up and stretching out his beautiful white wings. The sun reflected off them perfectly and he looked angelic. It made it really hard to be mad at him.

 He picked me up and we were off to face the hell that was about to come at my birthday party.


"You're late!" My mom was yelling as Alec and I walked into the place where my party was being held. "I almost thought you weren't gonna show up to your own party." She said pulling me into a small room so I can change into the dress Alec got me.

She sat me down in a spinny chair and broke out the curling iron defining my curls and giving it a smooth look. She put a few blue pins in my hair and finally slipped my dress over my haid and zipped it up. I stepped into my shoes and looked in the full length mirror that hung on the wall. Mom was doing my makeup which was way more that I have ever worn in my life. But I have to admit. I didn't look too horrible. 5:00

I put my ear agianst the door and I heard at least 100 voices all going at once. I heard the music stop and the dj handed my mom the microphone and she thanked everyone for coming and gave a little speach and the door opened for me to walk out.

The decorations were amazing. The walls were full of blue and white balloons and blue streamer all over the walls and ceiling. All the party guests were dressed in some color blue and they all looked like a giant sea. I walked up to the microphone and basically gave the same speach my mom did. 

We danced and danced and made horrible fools of ourselves untill it was time for dinner. The resturant provided the food so it was pretty much everything from their menu. I took a bite into my steak. During dinner the dj announced that if anyone wanted to make speaches about the birthday girl that now was the time to do so. Of course my mom went first.

"My baby girl. I can't believe shes 16. I remember as if it were just yesterday when you were running around the house with your barbie I can be a mermaid dolls singing the barbie girl song." The speach went on for another 5 minutes my mothers eyes filling up with tears adn laughing and making fun. I gave her a big hug and went to sit down with her.

Ian was next. He just went on and on saying how I have him to thank for bing such a good big brother. Then came Laura. She went on telling everyone the story of how we met and how we do everything together telling them some stories of theings weve done. Then came Alec.

He looked amazing. He was standing in front of the big glass slide doors. He was wearing a black tux with a dark blue undershirt and a nice blue tie. I've never seen him dressed up like that. He pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and read.

"Dear Zoey,

You are to me the most beautiful sunset along the beaches shore. You have changed my life. I have no inteniton of losing you and you pureness. You are just the most lovable being in the universe and I am lucky to have you as my girlfriend." He kept reading from the paper bringing happy tears to my eyes. When he finished I ran up to him and gave him a big hug. I looked around the people at the party.

Kayla and Ian were sitting side by side. Really close. Omg. THEY'RE HOLDING HANDS. I'm gonna have to find out whats going on there. And then it hit me....... Alec Kayla Ian and I are all in the same room. Just as the realization came to me I heard a bunch of screams and the breaking of glass. I turned around to see about 7 Buzzots running around. People were running to exits toppling each other over. 

Kayla was trying to calm everyone, boulders were flying at the buzzots even my mother was Savethrowing fire at them. My ocean fantasy world was turninging into a living hell. With out realization I started freezing all the water around me into pointed ice daggers and throwing them with full force at the buzzots ducking behind a table. I watch Kayla get taken down and Ian trying to defend her but its too much, the buzzots quickly take them down.

I turned around to try to find Alec and came face to face with a huge buzzot. It tackled me sending me flying across the room and putting several rips in my dress. He came at me again but I threw a Ice dagger at him. He got pissed and came at me again fully open jaws. I thought it was over for me until another buzzot launched at him and said something that almost sounded like "We were told not to kill them. Take them hostage." and with that the buzzot picked me up in his jaw and bashed my head against the floor knocking me out cold.

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