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"You broke the deal!" He shouted shoving me .

"Fuck off Cian leave me alone." I stated dryly walking out of the room.

he followed soon after me, grabbing the back of my jumper pulling me closer with his hands now resting on my hips.

"We had a deal," he whispered on the back of my neck "And you broke it, my darling."

I shuddered at the sudden contact of warm air on my neck and squirmed out of his grip, 

"I said leave me alone, Jesus why can't you understand that?" With one hand on the rail it slid underneath as I went down the steps reaching the last few, I felt two hands on my shoulder blades push me head first down the remainder of the stairs until I landed on the concrete floor. 

All my weight was pushed onto my left arm and I heard a snap, I screamed in pain but all he did was walk past looking at me with a satisfied smile, "Do you want the pills?" he shouted from the kitchen.

Another scream escaped my lips out of frustration and pain.

"Go to hell!" I shouted back.

"Isn't that where you are?" He replied back, laughing.


I opened the door to my apartment and found a letter outside in my mailbox, it was addressed to me.

I opened the letter and in messy but readable writing said;

Ms Addie Smith, You shouldn't leave your bedroom window unlocked ;)

I turned around because it felt like someone was watching, this made me incredibly uneasy, I was frightened, scared and I ran to my car. The door clicked open and I sat inside, turned it on and drove out of the car park, I threw the note on the passenger seat and drove to work.

I am an artist and I work in a factory towards downtown L.A, I specialise in paintings, not to brag but I am quite a hit.  Many people buy from my studio in Chicago. But today when I arrived there was a grey feeling about the building, like someone had tampered with it, I don't know I just wasn't getting the usual good vibe when I came there.

I unlocked the door and to my surprise the security code was disabled, I swear I locked it I thought opening the front door only to find all my paintings gone. They were all gone. 

All my hard work and money gone. Within an instant I grabbed my phone and dialed 911.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"Yea hello? I've been robbed."

"Okay I will need your...and..." There was a fuzzing sound before It cut off.

"Sorry what? Hello?" I let out a frustrated yelp and scrambled to the two large tables that once held my recent work. All my supplies had gone too. I couldn't wrap my head around what had happened I always locked up and the alarm was on, always. Surely I would have gotten a call from the company if it ever went off.

 I was upset, I mean that was my whole business. I crumbled to the ground and sat in silence for what seemed like forever, gawking at the now empty room.

This has to be some kind of a joke?  When I decided to finally leave I didn't even bother to lock the door, I was just so dumbfounded, I walked to my car and noticed another piece of paper on the windshield.

"Ugh Fuck." I said aloud, initially I thought it was a parking ticket but when I picked it up it was just another envelope, exactly like the one I had received this morning. My fingers hesitantly ran over the opening; as I ripped it another piece of paper fell out. With the same handwriting it said,

Ms Addie Smith, You shouldn't leave you're doors open ;)

But this time it had three words written at the bottom that made my blood run cold.

Look behind you.

I shit myself I honestly didn't know what to do. I froze in place and fear shot through me and my hands uncontrollably shook. It was involuntary. I swallowed slowly and straightened up.

I turned my head looking up from the paper, about 10 meters away was a boy...well more of a man. He was dressed in a grey coat with a yellow scarf tied around his neck, his brown tinted hair draped just over his nose, my eyes widened at the sight of him, if this was my attacker holy shit. He was gorgeous.

The 'boy' looked up from his phone and shoved it in his pocket, then began to walk closer to where I was standing against my car. I took in a sharp breath and my hand traveled into my bag reaching for the small bottle of pepper spray, just in case.

"Addison Smith." He said in a rough voice.

I couldn't talk it was as if I was paralyzed, words fumbled around in my brain but I couldn't muster the courage to speak aloud so I just stood and stared, in a rather bitchy way.

He chuckled and looked at me up and down.

I scrunched up my face and pushed myself off of the car window and began to walk away with all the courage I had, but the way he looked at me, it was like he wanted to eat me. Some people are fucking messed up, seriously. What a pervert! Was he the one sending me the notes?

The boy followed me down the street I was headed for, my main focus was getting out of his sight and maybe loosing him all together. My footsteps got faster, out of instinct I turned around and he wasn't behind me, I slowed and exhaled deeply out of relief. I looked around once more and turned the corner, a large hand caught my shoulder and I was firmly pushed against the hard brick wall, I screamed "HELP! SOMEBODY HE-"

"SHUT UP!" He retorted covering my mouth with his hand. I kicked and screamed but there was no one around, I tried my best to free myself using self defense skills but it was utterly useless. He had such a tight grip on me, he grabbed both my hands and clamped them together with a zip tie.

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