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1. Respect other Players

2. If you want to be in a Relationship with another character, ask for their permission

3. If you want to Duel, Fight, Kiss ect, always ask

4. If you want to do Smut, take it to PM; I want this book to stay the way it is, and not rate it mature

5. If you are inactive, and want to with draw your character; please consult me, and I will give it to someone else

6. Some Users may get their notifications late, or take longer to type their response; please, be patient for their reply

7. There are Age difference romance aloud, if you don't like it; walk away, now (dedication: to Remus and Tonks)

8. No God modding, it means no controlling other characters for any reason; if you need them, you tag them, and wait patiently for their reply

9. You can't always block a spell, unless the other user agrees to block it

10. There will be OC and Cannon character relationships

11. Have fun

If you excepted these rules, the password is: MARAUDERS MAP

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