B.U.D.S. ( training)

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The training was always hard they made us hold our breath for minutes made us eat sand made us carry 200 ft long logs for miles on end but the only good part about it was the fact that i made it through all of it all the other people who didn't were pussies they were frowned upon i ended up being second best when we graduated my best friend was first. We were all happy but everything changed in less than 48 hours... we were in a sniper tower my buddy General Smith was standing guard on one side me on the other then i heard it... a gunshot from the distance i turned around quickly and there he was General Smith dropped to his knees then fell over a giant bullet hole in his head i hit cover and survived but everything changed that day... The day my best friend died

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2016 ⏰

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